Captain Washburn

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AllianceCaptain Washburn
Image of Captain Washburn
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 35-40 Elite
Class Warrior
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Stormwind Army
Occupation Captain
Former occupation(s) Adventurer
Location Telaari Station, Nagrand
Status Alive

Captain Washburn is a human quest ender located at the Telaari Station in Nagrand.




I used to be an adventurer like yourself...

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was back in Azeroth at my favorite establishment, maybe you've heard of it? Goes by the name of Lion's Pride Inn, smack dab in the middle of Goldshire.

Well, there I was across from ol' Dobbins enjoying myself a nice bit of fine aged cheddar and washing it back with a flagon of melon juice when Dughie runs into the tavern!

His face was white as snow...nay, whiter than snow! Says he spotted a kobold not far off and it was carrying a candle, like it was fixin' to burn Goldshire to the ground!

I threw down my fine aged cheddar, made for the door and tripped over a dwarven hunter.

We crashed to the ground and POW! I took an arrow right to the knee!


Patch changes

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