The Warsong Threat (Alliance)

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AllianceThe Warsong Threat
Start Warsong Attack Plans
End Captain Washburn
Level 35-40
Category Nagrand
Experience 14,930 experience
Rewards 15g
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [35-40] The Warsong Threat.


Steal the Warsong Attack Plans.


<The attack plans are scrawled onto the parchment in thick, black ink and bound in rough leather.>

To all outrider stations:

The warlord has commanded that all outriders prepare for a full assault upon the Alliance invaders in our land. Plans for the attack have been delivered to several of the remote outrider posts.

Blood and glory shall be ours as we trample the Alliance invaders beneath our feet!

The warlord commands and the Warsong obey! Lok'tar ogar!


What do you have for me?


<Captain Washburn examines the attack plans, squinting at the lettering and holding the pages upside down.>

Hmm... I see... yes... indeed!

These are obviously attack plans, as you yourself have stated, but they are most likely written by kobold pyromancers.

Strange though, I haven't seen any kobold pyromancers since my days in Azeroth. No matter! I assure you that the outpost is well armed and mostly fireproof!

If we are attacked, the outpost shan't fall. You have my word, commander!


You will also receive: 15g


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