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Rage Fang Shrine

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Rage Fang Shrine.

Rage Fang Shrine[50.2, 56.8] is a furbolg shire located south of Grizzlemaw in the Grizzly Hills. It is controlled by shaman and warriors of the Frostpaw tribe.

It also here that lives the Ancient guardian Orsonn, the son of Ursoc and nephew of Ursol. In fact, he is a prisoner of a sort, as the mad furbolgs won't allow him to leave, and because he loves his people, he would rather stay put than hurt any of them.[1]

After the war against the Jailer, the brothers Bronzebeard learned from Kodian, his sister, that Orsonn is still present in the shrine to continue his duty, and that both of them still hope that someday their people will find peace among themselves. To thank Kodian for aiding them in their quest, the dwarves traveled to Rage Fang Shrine to deliver a message to Orsonn, saying she misses him.[1]


Patch changes

See also


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