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Azjol-anak Battleguard TCG.jpg
Azjol-anak Battleguard
Main leader IconSmall NerubianVizier.gif Seer Ixit
Race(s) NerubianNerubianNerubianNerubian Nerubian
Base of operations Azjol-Nerub
Theater of operations Northrend

The Azjol-anak are a group of the few remaining nerubians that are still living. They reside within Azjol-Nerub and are strongly opposed to Anub'arak's undead nerubians, the Anub'ar.

During the war against the Lich King, they ordered to kill Anub'arak for his crimes. The nerubian kingdom was later invaded by the adventurers who confronted Anub'arak. When he was finally killed in his ruined palace, they brought his broken husk to the living nerubians as proof of his death.[1]

After the fall of the Traitor King, it was revealed that the Azjol-anak possessed an enormous secret stash of their own eggs, hidden safely so that after the wipeout of the Scourge from Azjol-Nerub, they could begin repopulating their people.[2] Upon expelling the faceless ones from Ahn'kahet, they worked to hatch a giant cocoon.

At the time of the Fourth War, the Azjol-anak's work continued long after the defeat of the Lich King, as an adventurer would later deliver  [Vorus'arak's Carapace] to Kilix the Unraveler; remaining friendly to those who had aided them in reclaiming their home. They thanked the adventurer for claiming a piece of their history, apparently having no qualms with them murdering one of the last nerubian spiderlords and reward them with Azerite.[3]

Following the war against the Jailer, the brothers Bronzebeard visited Azjol-Nerub, and Magni reported that the living nerubians he met there were few in number, but they've all been of a good sort.[1]


Icon-TCG.png This section contains information from the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game and is considered non-canon.

