Vorus'arak's Carapace (quest)

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NeutralVorus'arak's Carapace
Start  [Vorus'arak's Carapace]
End Kilix the Unraveler
Level 10-50
Category Island Expedition
Experience 8,230
Rewards  [Radiant Azerite Fragment] (700x Azerite)
11g 70s


Bring the carapace to Kilix the Unraveler in Dragonblight.


<The carapace from the nerubian lord Vorus'arak, it looks ancient.

It appears that Vorus'arak did not want to shed his shell, and instead wore the same scarred carapace for a very long time.

All across the carapace, strange markings have been carved. It seems to be a language of some kind.>


You will receive:


What is this? A carapace? Yes, I see, this writing is in my language.

It speaks of the swarm lord Vorus'arak, he has written of his journeys on his own chitin.

He tells of the War of the Spider, of his escape through the tunnels with his brood.

Vorus was a powerful digger, yet even his great strength flagged, and he was forced to consume much of his own young.

In the end, they found an island, and survived. Until you arrived.

Our history is important to us, here are some gems for your time.

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