Azjol-anak Battleguard

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NeutralAzjol-anak Battleguard
Image of Azjol-anak Battleguard
Race Nerubian (Uncategorized)
Level 15-30 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Pit of Narjun, Dragonblight
Status Active
Companion(s) Kilix the Unraveler (master)
Guardians bred for a single purpose: protect Kilix the Unraveler, no matter the cost.[1]

The Azjol-Anak Battleguards are still-living nerubians that guard Kilix the Unraveler. They can be found in the depths of the Pit of Narjun near the entrance to Azjol-Nerub.


Patch changes

See also


External links