Attune to the Observer

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NeutralAttune to the Observer
Start Zenata [56.38, 44.02]
End Zenata [56.38, 44.02]
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Azerothian Archives
Experience 9,500
Reputation +150 Azerothian Archives
Rewards 28g 9s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [70] Technoscrying: Observatory
Next N [70] A Link to the Past


Technoscry for the three attunement relics.


Can you believe this used to be an observatory? Our records indicate that the dragonkin here were mapping heavenly bodies in an attempt to predict the future.

How do you think they did it?

I'm picking up a partial signature that matches the time window we're shooting for. Put on the Technoscryers and try to pinpoint the sources so we can dial it in.


You will receive:


Without those attunement relics we won't be able to solve this mystery, <name>.


Ah ha! Give me your scryers, so I can calibrate them.


Upon accept
Zenata says: Put on your goggles and activate the Scrying mode to start the search.

Follow the trail of the Scrying Mode to the nearby buildings to find a Weathered Staff, Cracked Epaulet, and Tattered Hood.

If you put on the goggles and dance with Zenata, she responds with the following emote:

Zenata sighs heavily.

This is required for the  [Goggle Wobble] achievement.


  1. N [70] To the Archives!
  2. Complete all of the following:
  3. N [70] Nirobin and the Office
  4. N [70] Living History
  5. N [70] Lab Partners with a Squirrel
  6. N [70] A Research Thesis Worth Publishing
  7. N [70] Back to Headquarters!
  8. N [70] Finally, An Archivist!
  9. Complete all of the following:
  10. N [70] Back to Headquarters! Again!
  11. N [70] Graduation Day

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