Curious Find: Waterlogged Ledger

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NeutralCurious Find: Waterlogged Ledger
Start  [Waterlogged Ledger]
End Eadweard Dalyngrigge [61.6, 31.3]
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Azerothian Archives
Experience 4,750
Reputation +100 Azerothian Archives
Rewards 100x [Mysterious Fragment]
14g 4s 50c
Previous N [70W] The Big Dig: Traitor's Rest

Curious Find: Waterlogged Ledger starts from the  [Waterlogged Ledger], which can randomly be found in one of the tomes awarded for filling a bar during N [70W] The Big Dig: Traitor's Rest.


Bring the Waterlogged Ledger to Eadweard Dalyngrigge at the Algeth'ar Academy in Thaldraszus.


<This leather-bound ledger is so waterlogged it's nearly falling apart.

Most of it is illegible, but the text that has survived is in an ancient draconic dialect. It appears to be lists and lists of ordinary items, with numbers assigned to them-- perhaps a household accounting book?

Eadweard would know how to preserve this find and figure out whom it might belong to.>


You will receive:


Aha! A curious find. I shall reach out to the appropriate parties immediately, and we can have it documented and returned to its home post-haste.


On complete:

Eadweard Dalyngrigge says: A ledger! How exciting! Though bookkeeping may be a snore in our current day, records such as these are incredibly valuable for studying the past.
Eadweard Dalyngrigge says: Naturally, memories of the grand and valuable have a way of surviving, but who is keeping track of the price of radishes over thousands of years?
Eadweard Dalyngrigge says: This ancient dragonkin bookkeeper, that's who! And we salute them!
Eadweard Dalyngrigge says: Of course, this specimen is not in the best of conditions, owing to its briny storage, but I'm sure work can be done to restore the ink.
Eadweard Dalyngrigge says: And then, imagine the data we'll have on what these humble folks felt was important enough to note down. Who they traded with, what they ate, how they dealt with hardship...
Eadweard Dalyngrigge says: The opportunities for knowledge are endless! I shall get our best preservationists on the case, and consult with Atrenosh about our find.


  1. N [70] To the Archives!
  2. Complete all of the following:
  3. N [70] Nirobin and the Office
  4. N [70] Living History
  5. N [70] Lab Partners with a Squirrel
  6. N [70] A Research Thesis Worth Publishing
  7. N [70] Back to Headquarters!
  8. N [70] Finally, An Archivist!
  9. Complete all of the following:
  10. N [70] Back to Headquarters! Again!
  11. N [70] Graduation Day

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