Graduation Day

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NeutralGraduation Day
Start Eadweard Dalyngrigge [61.4, 31.2]
End Eadweard Dalyngrigge [61.4, 31.2]
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Azerothian Archives
Experience 1,200
Rewards 2g 80s 90c
Shareable Yes
Previous N [70] Back to Headquarters! Again!

Graduation Day concludes the Azerothian Archives storyline. To continue gaining reputation, complete N [70W] The Big Dig: Traitor's Rest and the six world quests each week.


Receive congratulations from your Azerothian Archivist peers.


You've turned out to be quite a fine member of our high-skilled crew of rag tags and diggers of dirt.

Between the sites you've broken ground on with Roska, Zenata, and Nirobin, as well as the larger one in Traitor's Rest, the varied histories collected by these Dragon Isles have never been more ripe for the harvest.

There will always be work and companionship here when you desire it. We hope you'll join us on other continents as well.

...When we receive appropriate funding, that is.


You will receive:

  • 2g 80s 90c
  • 1,200 XP


Worry not. I've already written to our benefactors of your efforts.


To you, <name>!

To your supportive efforts, to your spirit of discovery, and to your care for history!

May all those with joyfully voracious appetites for learning find homes and friends like these!


On accept:

Eadweard Dalyngrigge says: Take your time, <name>. Each of us would like to congratulate you personally.
Eadweard Dalyngrigge

It's quite rare to find an individual with the potential for so many varieties of historical investigation as you present.

Like all rare finds, we tend to treasure their value well beyond any outward monetary consideration. I hope you can see that it is the same we feel of you: Treasured beyond your apparent outward value.

  • Gossip Thank you.
  • Gossip Thank you very much!
  • Gossip My most humble appreciations.
  • Gossip Er... Thanks...
  • Gossip Right back at ya!
Eadweard Dalyngrigge says: Imagine, if you will, that even this moment itself could be discovered in the future.
Eadweard Dalyngrigge says: Perhaps so by some sort of excavating, technoscrying, clue-ingesting figure in an Archivists cap as well!
Roska Rocktooth

I would never have believed we'd find another teammate as willing as me to coat themselves in dirt for a chance at uncovering history.

And yet, here you are! I'd gladly shovel these lands any day with you alongside me.

It ain't too often I get to say that!

  • Gossip Thank you.
  • Gossip Thank you very much!
  • Gossip My most humble appreciations.
  • Gossip Er... Thanks...
  • Gossip Right back at ya!
Roska Rocktooth says: Don't get discouraged by the small stuff. A little dirt in your way is nothing if it's the only thing between you and your buried treasure.

Most of my associates are the ones I craft from odds and ends left behind by gnomish engineers on their lunch break.

Not you though. You are quite attuned to my mechanical methodologies. I appreciate our synchronicity.

Don't be strangerly, understood?

  • Gossip Thank you.
  • Gossip Thank you very much!
  • Gossip My most humble appreciations.
  • Gossip Er... Thanks...
  • Gossip Right back at ya!
Zenata says: I would impart to you the wisdom that all things have the power to be used again. Gadgets, knowledge, or otherwise.

I have not the faintest clue where you hail from, what your true profession is, or what sort of sugar treats you find most appealing...

But you are, without a doubt, the best assistant I have ever had the fortune to delegate to. I mean that with all my musterable sincerity too!

  • Gossip Thank you.
  • Gossip Thank you very much!
  • Gossip My most humble appreciations.
  • Gossip Er... Thanks...
  • Gossip Right back at ya!
Nirobin says: A piece of wisdom, <name>. Never give into your fears!
Nirobin says: Unless it is a fear of the outdoors... Then I would suggest a profession that allows you to stay inside.

There's no place like a library corner with a fresh pot of tea, wouldn't you agree?

Of course you would. That's half the reason I approve anyone's application to our group at all, you know?

  • Gossip Thank you.
  • Gossip Thank you very much!
  • Gossip My most humble appreciations.
  • Gossip Er... Thanks...
  • Gossip Right back at ya!
Aristta says: History is endless river, and so to are the pieces of the world that are caught in its currents.
Aristta says: And if those currents continue leading to me, then my wares will never be empty of pieces for purchase. No?

On complete:

Eadweard Dalyngrigge says: Congratulations! And bravo!
Everyone cheers.


  1. N [70] To the Archives!
  2. Complete all of the following:
  3. N [70] Nirobin and the Office
  4. N [70] Living History
  5. N [70] Lab Partners with a Squirrel
  6. N [70] A Research Thesis Worth Publishing
  7. N [70] Back to Headquarters!
  8. N [70] Finally, An Archivist!
  9. Complete all of the following:
  10. N [70] Back to Headquarters! Again!
  11. N [70] Graduation Day

Patch changes

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