Archivist Roh-Suir

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NeutralArchivist Roh-Suir
Image of Archivist Roh-Suir
Gender Male
Race Attendant (Humanoid)
Level 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Former occupation(s) Scholar
Location Reliquary of Remembrance, Korthia [63.4, 21.2]
Status Alive
As Scholar Roh-Suir.

Archivist Roh-Suir is an attendant located in the Reliquary of Remembrance of Keeper's Respite in Korthia. He was previously known as Scholar Roh-Suir until the events of the "Archivists of Korthia" storyline played out in the Chains of Domination campaign. He serves as the quartermaster of the Archivists' Codex faction.


  1. N [60] Researching Korthian Relics
  2. N [60] Interrupt the Interrogations
  3. N [60] Carving Out a Path, N [60] The Sundered Staff
  4. N [60] An Infusion of Anima, N [60] Consulting the Experts
  5. N [60] Hope Ascending
  6. N [60] Finding One's True Purpose
  7. N [60] Establishing the Archive
  8. N [60] Beginning the Collection
    • Optional side chain:
    1. N [60] Picking Up the Pieces
    2. N [60] Collecting Research
    3. N [60] Empowering Equipment
  9. N [60] What Must Be Found
  10. N [60] Missing Relics (at Tier 2)
  11. N [60] Lost Vaults (at Tier 3)
  12. N [60] Mysterious Rifts and N [60] Relic Efficiency (at Tier 4)
  13. N [60] The Final Relics (at Tier 5)
Added in Patch 9.1.5


Archivist Roh-Suir trades in [Cataloged Research] to unlock some rewards:

Archivist Roh-Suir (Archivists' Codex)
Tier Item Cost Type
N/A  [Trained Gromit Carrier] 35 Relic finding companion (60 min)
 [The Archivists' Codex] 10 Lore book (only available if player does not have it)
Tier 2  [Research Report: All-Seeing Crystal] 100 Relic Fragments acquisition
 [Korthite Crystal Key] 25 Korthian Relic Box key
 [Key of Flowing Waters] 25 Korthian Relic Box key
 [Key of the Inner Chambers] 25 Korthian Relic Box key
 [Key of Many Thoughts] 25 Korthian Relic Box key
 [Treatise: Recognizing Stygia and its Uses] 800 +10 [Stygia] from dailies/rares
Tier 3  [Teleporter Repair Kit] 50 Ancient Teleporter access
Tier 4  [Repaired Riftkey] 100 Rift Portal access
 [Transmute: Stones to Ore] 2,000 Shadowlands Alchemy (160)
 [Recipe: Crafter's Mark of the Chained Isle] 2,500 Recipe
 [Treatise: Bonds of Stygia in Mortals] 1,000 -75% [Stygia] loss in the Maw
Tier 5  [Cloak of the Korthian Scholar] 500 Cosmetic cloak
 [Research Report: Ancient Shrines] 1,000 Phasing Korthian Shrine
 [Treatise: The Study of Anima and Harnessing Every Drop] 1,500 +25 [Reservoir Anima]
Tier 6  [Soaring Razorwing] 5,000 Flying mount (75)
 [Attendant Scholar's Waistcord] 4,000 Item level 239 cloth belt
 [Subtle Mortality Manipulators] 4,000 Item level 239 leather gloves
 [Korthite Crystal Waistguard] 4,000 Item level 239 mail belt
 [Prototype Guardian Grips] 4,000 Item level 239 plate gloves
 [Treatise: Relics Abound in the Shadowlands] 2,000 Reputation tokens
 [Death-Bound Shard] 3,000 Conduit upgrades (to ilvl 252)
 [Alloy-Warping Facetor] 5,000 Socket addition
 [Research Report: Adaptive Alloys] 4,000 Korthian armor upgrades to ilvl 226
 [Research Report: First Alloys] 8,000 Korthian armor upgrades to ilvl 233



Well met, Maw Walker. Is there something I can assist you with?

Buy I would like to spend some of our Cataloged Research on something.
Gossip I found more relics we can use for our cataloged research.

Patch changes

External links

Archivist Roh-Suir Scholar Roh-Suir