Apocryphal Epiphany

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Apocryphal Epiphany teaches the [Pain Suppression] rune for boots.


First, obtain four echoes from graveyards throughout the world:

Take these echoes to the Gallery of Treasures in the Scarlet Monastery Library, where you will find four busts. Standing next to each bust will display a buff called Mage's Lament, Paladin's Lament, Priest's Lament, or Warrior's Lament. You must use the echoes at the correct busts, in the correct order:

  1. Use the Swamp Echo at the bust of the warrior
  2. Use the Arathi Echo at the bust of the mage
  3. Use the Theramore Echo at the bust of the paladin
  4. Use the Graveyard Echo at the bust of the priest

Doing so will cause a glowing Remnant to appear in the middle of the room; click on it to loot the Apocryphal Epiphany.


There are multiple hints to solving this puzzle, though no one source suggests the entire path; the priest must work out how all of the myriad clues fit together.

First, there are also four new books, each entitled Archivists of the Monastery, that can be found in the Scarlet Monastery Library and identify the busts in the gallery.

Second, four new weapons drop from trash mobs in the Scarlet Monastery, each of which has flavor text hinting at their owners:

With the information contained in the books and the weapons, it becomes possible to determine the location of each archivist's death where their echo may be found, as well as their class:

The echoes should then be used to activate the busts - identified by the buff denoting the archivist's class - in the order in which they served:

  1. Blake Godwyn served as archivist prior to the First War
  2. Primwell Skye served as archivist during the Second War
  3. Janet Kaitway served as archivist after the Second War
  4. William Powell served as archivist after the Third War

Patch changes

External links