Janet Kaitway

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AllianceJanet Kaitway
No image available
Gender Female
Race Human
Class Paladin
Affiliation(s) Knights of the Silver Hand, Theramore, Human Expedition, Alliance of Lordaeron
Occupation Admiral, Archivist
Status Deceased

Admiral Janet Kaitway was a sailor during the Second War. Ravaged by dragonfire and thrown far off course during the conflict, Admiral Kaitway's ship returned home seven years later carrying a wealth of treasures from the South Seas. She donated much of her fortune to the Old Monastery in Lordaeron and served as archivist there until wanderlust called her to the Kalimdor Expedition.[1] She eventually died at Theramore, now a paladin fighting against the orcs. Her training hammer was eventually retrieved and found its way back to the Scarlet Monastery in the Eastern Kingdoms.[2]


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

Since she fought as a sailor and got attacked by dragons during the Second War, and later died at Theramore before the events of World of Warcraft, she was almost certainly affiliated with Kul Tiras, being one of the Theramore citizens who chose to side with Daelin Proudmoore during the invasion of Durotar.

See also
