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Archivists of the Monastery

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Archivists of the Monastery.

Four Archivists of the Monastery books can be found in the Scarlet Monastery.


Lieutenant Blake Godwyn

The noble house of Godwyn sponsored the Old Monastery until the fall of Lordaeron. Blake Godwyn spent many years as archivist before traveling south to aid Stormwind in the First War.

Commander Primwell Skye

Commander Skye's studies in military theory during her tenure as archivist bolstered Lordaeron's strategy during the Second War. After serving as tactician on the Arathi front, she retired to a farmstead on the land she helped reclaim for humanity.

Admiral Janet Kaitway

Ravaged by dragonfire and thrown far off course during the Second War, Admiral Kaitway's ship returned home seven years later carrying a wealth of treasures from the South Seas. She donated much of her fortune to the Old Monastery and served as archivist until wanderlust called her to the Kalimdor Expedition.

Brother William Powell

Brother Powell drove the spider infestation from the Monastery's halls when the Crusade returned to reclaim their home from the Scourge after the Third War. Poisoned by the spiders' venom, he served as archivist for less than a year before being buried in the Monastery's graveyard.

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External links

Blake Godwyn Primwell Skye Janet Kaitway William Powell