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Not to be confused with Aeonus.
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Title <Former Paladin of the Silver Hand>,
the Quiet,
the Vindicated
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 40
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Stormwind
Former affiliation(s) Knights of the Silver Hand
Location Crusader's Chapel, Scarlet Monastery Cathedral; Cathedral of Light, Stormwind City
Status Alive
Companion(s) Silver Hand Charger

Aeonas is found in the chamber at the back of the Scarlet Monastery Cathedral after defeating Scarlet Commander Mograine and High Inquisitor Whitemane. Upon returning to Stormwind City he becomes Aeonas the Vindicated.


A solitary and studious paladin, he was known as Aeonas the Quiet during his tenure as a Knight of the Silver Hand. He notably befriended his fellow knight Sage Truthbearer, and eventually developed the opinion that the Light was neither good nor evil and that the paladins should prepare to fight other Light users, which made him unpopular among his peers and led to him leaving the order before the Third War.[1]

As an accomplished angler,[2] he left for Newman's Landing where he lived a quiet life until Grand Crusader Dathrohan sent his Scarlet Crusaders after him.[3] He liked to visit Menethil Harbor with his old skiff in order to trade for supplies and argue with the local fishermen.[4]

After surviving the Crusade's attempt on his life, Aeonas moved to Felwood, hunting Echoing Orbs and meeting up with his old friend Gregory, now a death knight, whose help he sought to destroy weapons of the Burning Legion. Aeonas agreed to aid him, rationalizing that the Legion was their mutual foe and hoping that he could find a way to bring his friend back to the Light. Together they recovered an orb from the Mannoroc Coven in Desolace but required the aid of a paladin adventurer to obtain the materials needed to destroy it.[5] As Gregory performed the ritual, he revealed that the adventurer's death was to be the final component, considering it a necessary sacrifice to destroy the orb. Aeonas, lamenting that he had let himself be blinded by hope, struck Gregory down with the Light.[6]



  1. A Paladin [40] A Brother In Need Activequest
  2. A Paladin [40D] By The Light's Grace AvailablequestActivequest
  3. A Paladin [40] Aeonas the Vindicated AvailablequestActivequest


Scarlet Monastery gossip

<This man is critically injured. It's a miracle he is still breathing.>

Stormwind City gossip

I can't thank you enough for saving me <name>.

Gossip It's good to see you up and around, Aeonas. Now that we are safely back in Stormwind however, I have many questions.


Felwood gossip

<Aeonas wears a stern look on his face>

Well met, <name>.

Gossip Thank goodness I've found you! What... what is going on here, Aeonas?

Please, allow me to explain...
The man over there is the friend we've spoken of. His name in life was Gregory.
Gossip In life... He is undead? Explain yourself! What is this Aeonas?
In the old days... before the fall of Lordaeron, before I left the order we were... very close. He was a member of the Silver Hand as well, and someone I trusted with my life. When the Scourge invaded he fought valiantly against them, but he died at Andorhal alongside The Lightbringer.
Gossip Well he seems to be a member of the Scourge now, and that makes him our enemy.
Yes, the one he serves is anathema to us. However, the world is not black and white. While we work against the goals of the Lich King, we also share a common enemy...
The Burning Legion.
Gossip So the enemy of my enemy is my friend?
At times, perhaps. When Gregory came to me I initially rejected him. Surely my friend was dead and this mindless thrall was a mere slave to the Lich King? It still disturbs me to admit it, but I was wrong. I found that my friend was still very much the man I knew and he beseeched me for aid in his mission to discover and destroy the orbs. I can never condone the mandate or methods of the scourge, but I have come to believe that our cause is aligned in this and he has my trust. Please, speak with Gregory for yourself. My hope is that you will see this as I do and can remain focused on our goals.
Gossip Very well, Aeonas, but I cannot promise I will not kill him.

Patch changes


External links

Aeonas Vindicated Felwood