A Lost Brother

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AllianceA Lost Brother
Start Katherine the Pure
End Katherine the Pure
Level 40 (Requires 25)
Category Desolace
Class Paladin Paladin
Previous A Paladin [40] The Broken Hammer
Next A Paladin [35] Orders from the Grand Crusader


Speak with Katherine the Pure and learn more about the broken hammer.


<Katherine winces as she holds the shattered fragments of the broken hammer>

I won't speak of this weapon's master in detail for the telling would fill me with shame, but I'll tell you what I can.


You will receive:


You have few clues to go on so it may be difficult to find Aeonas, but you should try.


Katherine's dialogue

I'll make this brief for I do not wish to think on this long, <name>. The owner of that hammer was once a member of the Silver Hand called Aeonas the Quiet. He was a solitary and studious paladin and it was just as common to find him studying in a library alone as you would find him in the yard training. Aeonas was utterly devoted to the light and was, by all accounts, a model paladin. That is until he left the order.

Gossip How did he come to leave the order?

The particulars I will not speak of. As I said, it fills me with shame. Suffice it to say that he began to develop a few very unpopular opinions and that led to some rather public disagreements with our leadership. After one such disagreement led to a formal censure of Aeonas, he became a pariah and a constant target of chastisement. At some point, I suspect the man decided he had had enough. He renounced his rank and station, and set off alone.

Gossip What became of him?

I do not know. I have not seen nor heard from him since he left the order.

I do know that he had a passion for the sea, and was an accomplished angler. On the rare occasions over the years when my thoughts have turned to Aeonas, I've preferred to imagine that he peacefully retired to some sleepy village where he spent his days on a dock fishing and nights curled up by a cozy fire, blissfully ignorant to all the ugliness with Arthas, the war, and everything that came after. A vain hope, almost certainly.

Gossip That is a pleasant thought, though after what I've seen I think it unlikely.

Regretfully, I agree. Our shared time in the order was brief as he left shortly after I first joined, but I remember him well and looked up to him. He had my respect even after his censure and departure from the order. To find his weapon discarded and broken like this bodes ill. What is even more troubling was the scene you described. The Burning Blade are not to be trifled with, and the Scarlet Crusade has proven themselves to be even more dangerous still, as of late.

I can only pray that the light guides you to Aeonas, somehow. Be careful though. I have a bad feeling about all of this.

Gossip Very well. Hopefully I'll be able to learn more of Aeonas's fate in my travels. Thank you.

Continuing the quest chain

In order to continue, you must first speak with Harold Riggs in Menethil Harbor, then swim down to Newman's Landing and interact with the Slain Scarlet Crusader. A Scarlet Crusade Assassin will appear; kill it to loot  [Orders from the Grand Crusader], which starts the next quest.


  1. A Paladin [40] The Broken Hammer
  2. A Paladin [40] A Lost Brother
  3. A Paladin [35] Orders from the Grand Crusader
  4. A Paladin [40] A Brother In Need
  5. A Paladin [40D] By The Light's Grace
  6. A Paladin [40] Aeonas the Vindicated

Patch changes

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