Orders from the Grand Crusader (quest)

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AllianceOrders from the Grand Crusader
Start  [Orders from the Grand Crusader]
End Katherine the Pure
Level 35 (Requires 26)
Category Stormwind City
Class Paladin Paladin
Previous A Paladin [40] A Lost Brother
Next A Paladin [40] A Brother In Need


Bring the Orders from the Grand Crusader back to Katherine the Pure.


This appears to be orders from the Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Crusade himself, Dathrohan. It seems that Aeonas has run afoul of the Crusade. Judging by the scene before you, it appears that the Crusade was able to follow Aeonas here and apprehend him. It appears that he did not go down without a fight.

The charges levied against Aeonas are grave, but that would explain some of the scene you came upon in Desolace.


You will receive:


Do you bring word of Aeonas?


<Katherine frowns deeply as she reads the letter>

Aeonas held some radical views by the time he left the order, but I find it very hard to believe that his business in Desolace involved consorting with demons, undead, or anything of the sort. We need to find him and hear his side of this. There's more to this, I'm certain of it.


  1. A Paladin [40] The Broken Hammer
  2. A Paladin [40] A Lost Brother
  3. A Paladin [35] Orders from the Grand Crusader
  4. A Paladin [40] A Brother In Need
  5. A Paladin [40D] By The Light's Grace
  6. A Paladin [40] Aeonas the Vindicated

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