A Primal Threat (Horde)

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Tempest Unleashed
The subject of this article or section was part of Tempest Unleashed, a world event that heralded the opening of the Dragon Isles.
HordeA Primal Threat
Start Archmage Khadgar
End Archmage Khadgar
Level 10-60
Category Orgrimmar
Experience 9,050
Rewards 30x  [Primeval Essence],  [Primal Stormling]
25g 74s
Previous H [10-70] Whispers on the Winds
Next H [10-60 Daily] Calming the Storms
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [10-60] A Primal Threat.


Gather 10 Motes of Primal Energy from enemies in active primal storm locations throughout Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms.


Raszageth has wasted no time building up her Primalist forces.

The Kirin Tor have detected massive storms being unleashed at key points across Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms.

The Primalists are unleashing the elements to add to their strength. It seems they plan to cause chaos not only in the Dragon Isles, but in the lands of the Alliance and Horde as well.

Seek out the enemy and study their methods. We have to stop them before it's too late.


You will receive:


I'm afraid this is only the beginning.


It is good you thwarted their attack, at least for now.

<Khadgar examines the motes you brought him.>

Hmm, primal elemental energy. I will take this for further study.


Participate in the Tempest Unleashed world event!


  1. B [10-70] The Dragon Isles Await
  2. B [10-70] Aspectral Invitation
  3. B [10-70] Expeditionary Coordination & H [10-70] The Dark Talons / A [10-70] The Obsidian Warders
  4. B [10-70] Whispers on the Winds
  5. B [10-60] A Primal Threat & B [10-60] Chasing Storms
  6. B [10-60 Daily] Calming the Storms

Patch changes

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