A Light in the Darkness (priest)
- For the paladin version, see
[45] A Light in the Darkness.
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Start | Alonsus Faol |
End | Alonsus Faol |
Level | 45 (Requires 45) |
Category | Priest Campaign |
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Rewards |
19![]() ![]() |
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United with the paladins, defend Netherlight Temple and slay Lord Balnazzar.
- Speak to Lord Maxwell Tyrosus
- Speak to Prophet Velen
- Use the portal to Netherlight Temple
- The Defense of Netherlight Temple scenario completed
The Burning Legion has begun their attack!
I will remain here and prepare the temple's defenses. You must meet our allies in Dalaran and let them know that the battle has begun!
Make haste, <name>. I do not know how long we will be able to keep Balnazzar at bay.
The paladins have always been our allies and friends. Now, we stand united against a common cause.
You fought well, High Priest.
Return to Dalaran using the portal and head to the Chamber of the Guardian to find Velen, who is flanked by two Draenei Anchorites. After speaking to Velen, go to Krasus' Landing. Lord Maxwell Tyrosus will be waiting there, along with Aponi Brightmane, Arator the Redeemer, and Justicar Julia Celeste, with the pack being rounded out by Silver Hand knights, menders, and protectors. Return once more to the temple.
- Velen
- I returned to Dalaran as soon as I heard the prophecy had been fulfilled.
- You united the Light, just as I saw it. Let us hope that your efforts will give us the strength we need to defeat Balnazzar once and for all.
The Burning Legion has begun their attack. We must defend Netherlight Temple!
- Prophet Velen says: We will make our way to Netherlight Temple at once.
- Lord Maxwell Tyrosus
- It seems we have arrived just in time.
The Burning Legion has begun their attack. We must defend Netherlight Temple!
- Lord Maxwell Tyrosus says: We are armed and ready to fight, High Priest.
- Lord Maxwell Tyrosus says: Let us aid our allies under the Light, and defend Netherlight Temple. To the portal!
- Portal to Netherlight Temple
- <The portal hums with magic.>
I am ready to begin The Defense of Netherlight Temple.
I'm not ready yet.
Stage 1: Join the Battle
- Join the battle at Netherlight Temple.
- Join the battle at Netherlight Temple.
The priest player is zoned in to a phased version of Netherlight Temple for this quest.
- Velen stands in the center of The Hall of Balance with Saa'ra and channels an aura of Light, while Yalia Sagewhisper, Natalie Seline, High Priestess Ishanah, Zabra Hexx, Delas Moonfang, and the paladins from Dalaran fight the nearby demons.
- Prophet Velen says: Do not give up! The High Priest has arrived with reinforcements!
Stage 2: Defeat Balnazzar's Lieutenants
- Defeat Ogoroth and Torenai the Souleater.
- Ogoroth slain
- Torenai the Souleater slain
Ogoroth is located in the Sanctuary of the Light while Torenai the Souleater is located in the Sanctuary of the Void. As always, avoid their abilities.
- The reinforcements join the fight!
- Balnazzar says: Long have we searched for you, Prophet Velen. Here, you thought yourself safe from the Legion's gaze.
- Balnazzar says: Now, finally, your SOUL IS MINE!
- Prophet Velen says: Balnazzar, your arrogance is mighty. But Azeroth's heroes will stand against you!
Stage 3: Destroy Legion portals.
- Destroy 4 Legion portals.
- Destroy Legion Portals (4)
The Legion Portals are all located in the alcoves of The Halls of Balance.
Final Stage: Defeat Balnazzar
- Slay Balnazzar
- Kill Balnazzar
Do not concern yourself with adds for this fight; they will focus on your allies.
- Balnazzar leaves the protection of the fel shielding after the last Legion portal has been destroyed.
- Balnazzar says: Impressive, hero. Let us see how you do without your allies!
- Everyone except Velen and Saa'ra are suddenly imprisoned in a fel prison.
After being somewhat injured, Balnazzar will retreat and take 99% reduced damage.
- Balnazzar says: Enough! I tire of this game.
- Balnazzar says: Now, taste the TRUE might, of THE BURNING LEGION!!!
- Balnazzar rips open multiple portals and his forces stream forth once more, in even greater numbers.
- Lord Maxwell Tyrosus says: Hold your ground! They won't take us down without a fight!
- Aponi Brightmane says: There are too many!
- Delas Moonfang says: It is no use! The prophet's vision has come to pass...
- Balnazzar says: Where is your Light now, heroes?
A short cutscene will play, showing a dimensional ship, Aurobos, approaching in the background behind Balnazzar.
- Lothraxion says: Allies, do not despair. It is I, Lothraxion, High Commander of the Grand Army of the Light.
- A new dreadlord appears... but this one is radiating with the Light!
- Lothraxion says: On order of High Exarch Turalyon, we came as fast as we could. I am sending reinforcements down to join you.
- The swirls of light fanning out from Lothraxion disappear as Imperial Juggernauts teleport in to join the battle.
- Lothraxion says: Heroes, rally beneath the Light! Balnazzar, prepare to meet your end.
- Balnazzar says: No! I will NEVER be defeated!
Lothraxion will tank Balnazzar for you, allowing you to focus on bringing down the latter.
- The priest champions, their Silver Hand allies, and Lothraxion gather in a circle around Velen and Saa'ra.
- Delas Moonfang says: We did it. The dreadlord is dead.
- Prophet Velen says: Thank you, paladins of the Silver Hand.
- Prophet Velen says: A great enemy is defeated this day. We have shown the Legion that Azeroth will not fall quietly.
- Lothraxion says: Prophet Velen, warriors of light, a well earned victory. I expected nothing less from the heroes of Azeroth.
- Prophet Velen says: Let us take a moment to rest, and restore our temple to its intended glory.
The priest player will automatically be removed from the scenario once the dialogue concludes. Return to Alonsus to the central area. The priest champions are gathered.
Criteria of
[10-45] Priestly Matters
[10-45] A Legend You Can Hold
- Acquire the chosen artifact:
- Discipline (
[Light's Wrath])
[10-45] The Light's Wrath
[10-45] A New Threat
[10-45] A Forgotten Enemy
[10-45] Eyes of the Dragon
[10-45] Harnessing the Holy Fire
[10-45] Unleashing Judgment
[10-45] The Nexus Vault
[10-45] A Gift of Time
- Holy (
[T'uure, Beacon of the Naaru])
[10-45] The Vindicator's Plea
[10-45] House Call
[10-45] Out of the Darkness
[10-45] Salvation From On High
[10-45] Return of the Light
- Shadow (
[Xal'atath, Blade of the Black Empire])
[10-45] Blade in Twilight
- Discipline (
[10-45] The Light and the Void
[10-45] Actions on Azeroth
[10-45] Proper Introductions (optional)
- Complete all of:
[10-45] Rise, Champions
[10-45] Champion: Calia Menethil
[10-45] Champion: High Priestess Ishanah
[10-45] Spread the Word
[10-45] Recruiting the Troops
[10-45] Troops in the Field
[10-45] Tech It Up A Notch
[10-45] Relieving the Front Lines
[10-45] A Second Legend
[10-45] The Third Legend
[10-45] Whispers in the Void
[10-45] The Best and Brightest
- Complete both:
[10-45] Murloc Mind Control
[10-45] An Ample Supply
[10-45] Problem Salver
- Complete both:
[10-45] Champion: Yalia Sagewhisper
[10-45] Champion: Zabra Hexx
[10-45D] Eye of Azshara: Looking Through the Lens
[10-45] Velen's Vision
- Complete all of:
[10-45D] Halls of Valor: The Light Within
[10-45] Demonic Runes
[10-45] Recruiting More Troops
[10-45] Awakening the Light
[10-45] Champion: Sol
Level 45
[45] Infiltrating Our Enemies
[45] Onslaught Envoy
- Complete both:
[45] Scarlet Redemption
[45] Apostate Liberation
[45] Unexpected Guests
[45] Champion: Mariella Ward
[45] Forgotten Shadows
[45] Secrets of the Void
[45] Into the Void
[45] Champion: Natalie Seline
[45] Rising Shadows
[45] Crossing Legion Lines
- Complete both:
[45] The Mind of the Enemy
[45] Allies of the Light
[45] United As One
[45] Aiding the Conclave
- Complete all of:
[45] Elixirs of Aid
- Repeatable quests:
[45] Starlight Rose
[45] Runescale Koi
[45] Leyblood
- Repeatable quests:
[45] Fortifying the Temple
[45] Lumenstone
[45] A Light in the Darkness
[45] Champion: Alonsus Faol
[45] High Priest of Netherlight
[45] A Hero's Weapon
- Patch 7.2 campaign
[45] Champions of Legionfall
[45] A Curious Contagion
- Complete all of:
[45] Sampling the Source
[45] Shambling Specimens
[45] Mischievous Sprites
[45] Crafting a Cure
[45] Safekeeping
[45] To the Broken Shore
- Complete both:
[45] Countering the Contagion
[45] Administering Aid
[45] Sterile Surroundings
[45] Champion: Aelthalyste
[45] Further Advancement
- Class mount
[45] The Speaker Awaits
[45] The Sunken Vault
Patch changes
Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Added.