Crafting a Cure

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NeutralCrafting a Cure
Start Aelthalyste
End Aelthalyste
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Priest Campaign
Class Priest Priest
Experience 16,450
Rewards 19g 40s
Previous N Priest [45] Sampling the Source
N Priest [45] Shambling Specimens
N Priest [45] Mischievous Sprites
Next N Priest [45] Safekeeping


Infuse the Untested Cure with magic before administering it to Roland Abernathy.

  • Add Holy magic to the Untested Cure
  • Administer the Untested Cure
  • Add Shadow magic to the Untested Cure
  • Administer the Untested Cure
  • Roland Abernathy resurrected


I used what you gathered for me to craft what I hope will be a reliable cure. The only thing that's missing is some powerful magic, which I hope you'll be able to provide.

The concoction is there on my alchemy table.

Please hurry, <name>. Roland grows weaker by the minute.


You will receive:

  • 19g 40s
  • 16,450 XP


I will do whatever it takes to find a cure for this contagion.


Brilliant work, <name>. For a moment I thought I'd need to find a new companion.


The flask is found on the table next to Aelthalyste.

Quest accept
Aelthalyste says: Try adding a bit of Holy magic. That usually does the trick.
First administering
Aelthalyste says: Hmm, that seems to have made things worse. Try adding a bit of Shadow magic instead.
Second administering
Roland Abernathy chokes and then falls down dead.
Aelthalyste says: Well, that was unfortunate. Surely someone with your skills can revive him?
The priest adventurer casts Resurrection on Roland Abernathy.
Roland Abernathy says: You've done it! I'm cured!


  1. N Priest [45] A Curious Contagion
  2. Complete all of:
  3. N Priest [45] Crafting a Cure
  4. N Priest [45] Safekeeping
  5. N Priest [45] To the Broken Shore
  6. Complete both:
  7. N Priest [45] Sterile Surroundings
  8. N Priest [45] Champion: Aelthalyste

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