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Returns the cooldown info of a spell.

start, duration, enabled, modRate = GetSpellCooldown(spell)
                                  = GetSpellCooldown(index, bookType)


number|string - Spell ID or Name. When passing a name requires the spell to be in your Spellbook.
Spellbook args  
number - Spellbook slot index, ranging from 1 through the total number of spells across all tabs and pages.
string - BOOKTYPE_SPELL or BOOKTYPE_PET depending on if you wish to query the player or pet spellbook.
Internally the game only tests if this is equal to "pet" and treats any other string value as "spell".
Constant Value Description
BOOKTYPE_SPELL "spell" The General, Class, Specs and Professions tabs[1]
BOOKTYPE_PET "pet" The Pet tab


number - The time when the cooldown started (as returned by GetTime()); zero if no cooldown; current time if (enabled == 0).
number - Cooldown duration in seconds, 0 if spell is ready to be cast.
number - 0 if the spell is active (Stealth, Shadowmeld, Presence of Mind, etc) and the cooldown will begin as soon as the spell is used/cancelled; 1 otherwise.
number - The rate at which the cooldown widget's animation should be updated.




The following snippet checks the state of [Presence of Mind] cooldown. On English clients, you could also use "Presence of Mind" in place of 12043, which is the spell's ID.

local start, duration, enabled, modRate = GetSpellCooldown(12043)
if enabled == 0 then
 print("Presence of Mind is currently active, use it and wait " .. duration .. " seconds for the next one.")
elseif ( start > 0 and duration > 0) then
 local cdLeft = start + duration - GetTime()
 print("Presence of Mind is cooling down, wait " .. cdLeft .. " seconds for the next one.")
 print("Presence of Mind is ready.")


  • To check the Global Cooldown, you can use the spell ID 61304. This is a dummy spell specifically for the GCD.
  • The enabled return value allows addons to easily check if the player has used a buff-providing spell (such as Presence of Mind or Nature's Swiftness) without searching through the player's buffs.
  • Values returned by this function are not updated immediately when UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED event is raised.

Patch changes

The War Within Patch 11.0.0 (2024-07-23): Removed, replaced by C_Spell.GetSpellCooldown and C_SpellBook.GetSpellBookItemCooldown.
Legion Patch 7.1.0 (2016-10-25): The modRate return value was added.
Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.2.0 (2015-06-23): The charges and maxCharges return values were removed. They were moved to GetSpellCharges.