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Added in 5.0.4 / 1.13.2

Returns information about the charges of a charge-accumulating player ability.

currentCharges, maxCharges, cooldownStart, cooldownDuration, chargeModRate
    = GetSpellCharges(spell)
    = GetSpellCharges(index, bookType)


number|string - Spell ID or Name. When passing a name requires the spell to be in your Spellbook.
Spellbook args  
number - Spellbook slot index, ranging from 1 through the total number of spells across all tabs and pages.
string - BOOKTYPE_SPELL or BOOKTYPE_PET depending on if you wish to query the player or pet spellbook.
Internally the game only tests if this is equal to "pet" and treats any other string value as "spell".
Constant Value Description
BOOKTYPE_SPELL "spell" The General, Class, Specs and Professions tabs[1]
BOOKTYPE_PET "pet" The Pet tab


number - The number of charges of the ability currently available.
number - The maximum number of charges the ability may have available.
number - Time (per GetTime) at which the last charge cooldown began, or 2^32 / 1000 - cooldownDuration if the spell is not currently recharging.
number - Time (in seconds) required to gain a charge.
number - The rate at which the charge cooldown widget's animation should be updated.


  • Abilities like [Roll] can be used by the player rapidly, and then slowly accumulate charges over time. The cooldownStart and cooldownDuration return values indicate the cooldown timer for the acquiring next charge (when currentCharges is less than maxCharges).
  • If the queried spell does not accumulate charges over time (e.g. [Arcane Missiles] or [Jab]), this function does not return any values.
  • Targeted dispels like [Purify] or [Cleanse Spirit] hold one hidden charge which may be queried with GetSpellCharges. The spells will immediately—or after a few in-game ticks—regain their charge if cast on a friendly unit that could not be dispelled. This may cause sporadic behavior when tracking cooldowns, because upon raising SPELL_UPDATE_COOLDOWN, the function API GetSpellCooldown will momentarily return that the spell is on it's full cooldown duration.

Patch changes

Legion Patch 7.1.0 (2016-10-25): The chargeModRate return value was added.

See also