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Waywatcher Nori

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NeutralWaywatcher Nori
Image of Waywatcher Nori
Gender Female
Race Bronze drakonid (Dragonkin)
Level 10-70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Waywatchers, Bronze dragonflight
Location Gelikyr Post, Thaldraszus
Status Alive
Relative(s) Waywatcher Alvi (sister)

Waywatcher Nori is a bronze drakonid located at Gelikyr Post in Thaldraszus.


Gelikyr Post gossip

Greetings, traveler. Mind the pass, and stick to the roads: tarasek are known to ambush unwitting passersby.

Passage of Time initial gossip

<Waywatcher Nori's muscles spasm and twitch with each labored breath. She seems unable to speak.>

Gossip after being healed

It has been a strange day, but I am nevertheless grateful for your aid, <name>. Without your help, I may have been left to the mercy of those tarasek. What's more, it seems that Alvi has gained a little bit of much-needed self-confidence.

I owe you thanks on both ends, then - from myself, and from my sister.

Patch changes

External links