- For information about drakonid in the Nefarian fight, see Nefarian (tactics).
Drakonid | |
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Faction/Affiliation | Dragonflights, Twilight's Hammer, Illidari, Primalists |
Character classes | Warrior, Mage hunter, Chronomancer,[1] Warlock[2] |
Racial capital | Various |
Racial leader(s) | Various |
Homeworld | Azeroth |
Language(s) | Draconic, Common, Orcish |
Drakonid[3][4] (sometimes pluralized as drakonids[5][6][7] and also spelled draconid)[8] or drakonaar[9][10][11] are a bipedal humanoid dragon-like race fashioned by their masters to be helpful and loyal.[12] They are typically used as guards[4] and frontline soldiers[13] within each of the five great dragonflights, as well as within the dragonflights at the service of the Old Gods. Their name is said to mean many things, although "devoted one" seems to best reflect the dragons' deep appreciation for the elite defenders of their lairs, sanctums, and other realms of grave importance.[14]
Drakonid are devoted soldiers, educated and trained to serve. They begin as cadets and eventually graduate out of that rank. One of their topmost missions is to protect the eggs of their flight, and they are to give their life for that mission if necessary.[15] Old drakonid are allowed to retire.[16] Besides the roles as guardians and warriors, they also serve as architects, craftsmen, and caretakers of the dragons' sacred sites, and are responsible for creating many of its architectural wonders on the Dragon Isles where they thrive.[14]
Biology and culture

The original drakonid were transformed from tarasek, a dragonkin species native to the Dragon Isles, uplifted by the Dragon Aspects in the same manner that the titans uplifted proto-dragons into dragons.[17] In the millennia that followed, new methods with varying degrees of success were devised to create drakonid.[18] Drakonid can lay eggs and have children,[19] so while the species originated as uplifted tarasek (and later other mortal races)[20][21] some were born as drakonid. They appear to be as long-lived as dragons, as Captain Drine has served in their role for twenty thousand years.[22] Drakonid are not sexually dimorphic, with males and females sharing the same model.
In modern days, by Archmage Khadgar's accounts, some drakonid seem to be created from mortals,[14] empowered by the dragons they serve, via intentional alteration or via "unintended side effect of hanging out with dragons".[20] They have thus been described as half-man, half-dragon.[23][24] The process does not have to be willing.[21]
Drakonid are capable of using visage forms just like dragons are.[25]
While drakonid are honored members of their various dragonflights, these indispensable warriors are not without their limitations. The powers they gain from their dragon allies tend to be in the form of increased strength, longevity, and immunity to their flight's particular elemental affinity. Those capable of wielding magic do so through a combination of mortal aptitude and rigorous training, yet they will never reach even a portion of their dragon masters' inherent potency.[26]
Though drakonid seem to be dragonkin of few words, they are known to be quite intelligent and capable of limited speech. In the presence of the dragons or Aspect of their flight, it is common for them to show their respect in the form of a bow or genuflect.[14]
War of the Scaleborn
The original drakonid were transformed from tarasek, a dragonkin species native to the Dragon Isles, uplifted by the Dragon Aspects in the same manner that the titans uplifted proto-dragons into dragons.[17] These drakonid were divided up among the dragonflights as the dragons were and were subservient to their various Aspects. The roles they fulfilled ranged from guardsmen, blacksmiths, to even egg caretakers (at least in the case of the red dragonflight).[27] During the onset of the War of the Scaleborn, tarasek were rallied to the cause of Iridikron by false rumors and propaganda, stating the Aspects had kidnapped legions of tarasek and forced order magic upon them to create subservient drakonid.[28]
During the War of the Scaleborn, drakonid made up the majority of the dragonflights' footsoldiers, with Alexstrasza eventually training legions of drakonid to serve each dragonflight.[29] The drakonid are stated to possess limited control over magic, this alongside their lack of flight led Neltharion to pursue creating a warrior that could act as an in-between for dragons and drakonid. This pursuit would eventually lead to the creation of the dracthyr.[28] Drakonid were integral to this process, with the earliest experimentations that would lead to dracthyr actually being various forms of augmented drakonid, such as Neldris. By the end of the process, drakonid were still used in what would create the first successful dracthyr.[30] The Scalesworn were created from legions of drakonid, stationed to patrol the various draconic holdings in Alexstrasza's name.[29] Thousands of drakonid were killed throughout the war.[31] In order to combat dragons themselves, they were equipped with dragon-killing ballistae during the war; these were often the main targets during Primalist assaults.[32]
Drakonid are abundant on the Dragon Isles. When dragons left the Dragon Isles after the Sundering, they were left behind to care over the isles.[33] The Spellsworn, a group consisting of blue drakonid left in stasis watched over by blue dragons, was sent by Malygos to the Forbidden Reach to guard the dracthyr imprisoned there.[34]
World of Warcraft
The drakonid continued to serve the dragonflights into modern times. Lord Valthalak was said to be a drakonid noble and a warlock of immense power. He was the former General of Blackrock Spire before Drakkisath rose to power. He was slain by the Veiled Blade mercenary company for his spellbook, but ended up avenging himself even after his death using his necromantic powers.[8] In Blackwing Lair, Nefarian has conducted experiments that appear to have either created or given him control of drakonid from each flight. In addition, he has created the new Chromatic Drakonid. Each drakonid seems to have a fatal weakness to one magic type, making it suffer enormous damage from that particular school. The drakonid Broodlord Lashlayer was stationed in charge of the Halls of Strife, guarding the area for his master. He appeared to be the leader of the Death Talon, a group made up of drakonid and dragonspawn.
The victims of Chromaggus' radiating affliction were transformed into drakonid.[14]
The Burning Crusade
Wardens of Time could be found patrolling the halls and passageways of the Caverns of Time. The infinite dragonflight tempted many drakonid with promises of power, but most found only servitude and despair. One of the few exceptions is Chrono Lord Deja, who gained influence within the flight through his raw power and cunning.[35]
The Wyrmcult in Blade's Edge Mountains, which was a cult in service to the corrupted black dragonflight, was led by a black drakonid named Maxnar the Ashmaw. He was pursued by the Cenarion Expedition and slain on behalf of Tree Warden Chawn in order to stop the cult's nefarious intentions in the area.[23] Several Twilight Drakonaar and Blackwing Drakonaar managed to also get trapped within the Arcatraz, some of which were released by Harbinger Skyriss.[36]
Nether drakonid can be found primarily among the Dragonmaw clan, who are in service to Illidan Stormrage. They appear to be ascended warriors, brought into dragon-like states by the power of the enslaved Netherwing dragonflight. These Dragonmaw Ascendants patrol various areas of Shadowmoon Valley. Their chieftain, Zuluhed the Whacked, even possessed the ability to infuse himself with the nether-power, turning into a drakonid himself.[37] Another drakonid, Or'kaos the Insane, also exists, though he serves little purpose beyond watching the specific area he's placed in.
Wrath of the Lich King
During the course of both the war against the Lich King and Nexus War, drakonid of all five dragonflights guard the Wyrmrest Temple and the sanctums in the Chamber of Aspects.[38] Some drakonid, such as Ferithos, took on vendor roles within the temple.
The drakonid, Chrono-Lord Epoch, was sent by the infinite dragonflight to stop Arthas Menethil during the Culling of Stratholme, but was defeated by adventurers at Chromie's behest.
Many drakonid made up Malygos' armies during the Nexus War, serving the blue dragonflight. These blue drakonid could be found all over Coldarra and beyond, some going as far as assailing the Violet Hold.[39] Some of these drakonid also made up the mage hunters.[40] Curator Insivius led a group of these mage hunters, attacking the Coldrock Quarry and killing many of the tuskarr in the area. He was slain on behalf of Etaruk for his transgressions.[41]
Warbringer Goredrak, an Azure-Lord of the Blue Dragonflight, was entrusted with the [Energy Core] that kept Keristrasza imprisoned. He was slain on instructions of Raelorasz.[42] Another drakonid, Varos Cloudstrider, was one of the many who defended the Oculus from invaders. He had coordinated brutal attacks against the Wyrmrest Accord since the beginning of the Nexus War. He was recalled to guard the Oculus, where he prepared his captains and drakes. Varos also tapped the power coursing through the Oculus itself to bolster his defense, though he was ultimately slain by adventurers on behalf of the Accord.[43]
The drakonid, Baltharus the Warborn alongside many Charscale Assaulters invaded the Ruby Sanctum under the command of the twilight dragon, Halion, seeking to pave the way forward for the return of Deathwing. Here, he attempted to kill Sanctum Guardian Xerestrasza, though was ultimately foiled by heroes lifting the siege.
Night of the Dragon
The drakonid, Rask was a loyal servant of the black dragon Sinestra, formerly known as Sintharia, during her time at Grim Batol. Furthermore Rask only truly took orders from her and was reported to have been the few figures in Grim Batol who didn't have to listen to Zendarin Windrunner.
Under his master's command, Rask would capture the dragons Krasus and Kalec with a group of skardyn and a modified mageslayer. Rask was later seen after Vereesa Windrunner and her companions were ambushed by fire elementals and given the choice for them to surrender or die. After they surrendered he personally claimed Vereesa's sword as his own. When Vereesa came to the realization that Sintharia was in fact behind the events at Grim Batol, she surreptitiously reached for one of her hidden daggers only to find her sword at her throat. An amused Rask informed her either the dagger or her head would fall and commented that Vereesa was wise when she dropped the dagger.
He would be witnessed by Rom leading a group of skardyn remarking that the lady commanded them to move. While following them Rom would re-encounter Iridi after saving her from Rask and the skardyn. The duo would successfully escape from Rask and free the nether dragon Zzeraku, who would then come locked in combat with Dargonax. As the two dragons clashed Rask consumed with the pair and attempted to launch a sneak attack against Rom. However, Rom, who had directed Grenda to lead their fellow dwarven people out of one of the passages, was warned by Grenda when she gestured behind him. Ordering Iridi to reach Rhonin and knowing Grenda would follow his previous orders, Rom engaged in combat with Rask. During the fierce fight, Rask would deliver Rom a fatal blow but rather than give into death the dwarf pushed forward and using his remaining strength severed Rask's head from his body. As Rom fell to his own death, he noticed that even in death Rask's face wore a snarl.[44]
During the War Against the Nightmare, armies of shadow-possessed drakonid fought against the dreamform army.[45]
After Deathwing's Shattering of Azeroth, drakonid were found among the ranks of the Twilight's Hammer. One massive drakonid was sent by the cultists to assassinate King Varian Wrynn and his son Anduin during Remembrance Day in Stormwind City.[24] Similar to the nether drakonid of the Dragonmaw on Outland; many of the drakonid in service to the cult were mortals, elevated through magic. In the Blackrock Caverns, Corla of the Twilight's Hammer is seen blessing fellow human zealots by harnessing nether dragon essence to transform them into menacing twilight drakonid.[46] Evolved Drakonaar patrolled the halls of the Bastion of Twilight.
The enormous drakonid, Karsh Steelbender, maintained the forge within Blackrock Caverns, where he shaped weapons out of quicksilver.[47] Many drakonid still patrolled the halls of Blackwing Descent in service to their master, Nefarian.[48] The black drakonid, Lord Hiram Creed, infiltrated the Ruins of Gilneas where he posed as a gilnean nobleman. There, he gathered many survivors of the kingdom together under the banner of the Blackhowl, taking control of Gilneas City. He was slain on behalf of Wrathion as the latter sought to purge the remnants of the black dragonflight from the world.[49]
In the Twilight Highlands, the red dragonflight fielded Vermillion Slayers to defend the Vermillion Redoubt.
Warlords of Draenor
By the time of the war in Draenor, surviving drakonid could be found within Upper Blackrock Spire, where many of them had mutated. They followed the orders of the dragonman, Kyrak.[50]
Battle for Azeroth
During the course of the Fourth War, some drakonid could be found with remnants of the black dragonflight during Island Expeditions.[51]
Exploring Azeroth
During the events of Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, the Bronzebeard brothers detailed that, with the awakening of the Dragon Isles, Wyrmrest Temple had largely been vacated of its draconic masters. As a result, those left behind to maintain it were the drakonid guards, though they weren't very talkative.[52]
During the war against the Primalists, dragons returned to the Dragon Isles and many drakonid rejoiced in their return, joining them in the Valdrakken Accord. The drakonid and dragonspawn make up the majority of the denizens of the various towns and cities across the Dragon Isles.
However, a number of dragonspawn and drakonid were discontent with them and the Dragon Aspects. These dragonkin joined a number of different causes, such as the Flightless in an open rebellion against Valdrakken, the Sundered Flame, who sought artifacts and power, as well as the Primalists. Alexstrasza worked with the Scalesworn and the adventurers to stop the rebellion in Thaldraszus, while on other fronts, numbers of the Sundered Flame and the Primalists were defeated.
The commander Eranog betrayed his people in order to join the Primalists at South Hold Garrison.[53][54] There, he was infused by the Primalists with the power of fire, and led the charge on the Vault of the Incarnates alongside Raszageth to free the other Primal Incarnates[55]
Drakonid can be found as members of all five major dragonflights, and among the various derivatives of these flights as well. A number of them have also joined with the Primalists, seeking to remove the rule of the Aspects from their people.
- Main
- Derived

Name | Role | Flight | Status |
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Captain in charge of protecting the Shady Sanctuary from the Primalists attacks in the Ohn'ahran Plains. | Green | Alive |
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Agent assigned 20,000 years ago by Malygos to watch over the dracthyr. Now a member of the Healing Wings. | Blue | Alive |
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Leader of the Obsidian Outcasts at Dragonbane Keep, seeking to reclaim their home from the djaradin. | Black | Alive |
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Warlord of the Blackhowl as a Gilnean noble in Gilneas City. Killed by a rogue adventurer on Wrathion's orders. | Black | Deceased |
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Assassin sent by the Infinite dragonflight to kill Arthas Menethil before he could start the Culling of Stratholme. | Infinite | Killable |
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Drakonid who betrayed the red dragonflight to become the commander of the Primalists forces. | Red | Killable |
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Former General of Blackrock Spire before Drakkisath's rise to power. Killed by the Veiled Blade company. | Black | Deceased |
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Armorer of the Twilight's Hammer who shaped weapons of war out of rare quicksilver in the Twilight Forge. | Twilight | Killable |
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Commander of the Shrineguard, the protectors of the Ruby Lifeshrine against the enemies of the red dragonflight. | Red | Alive |
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Liaison of the Waywatchers in Valdrakken, in charge of coordinating his comrades to protect the roads of Thaldraszus. | Bronze | Alive |
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Nether drakonid patrolling a floating island of the Netherwing Ledge, in the Shadowmoon Valley. | Nether | Alive |
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Ambassador of the Dragon Queen on the Dragon Isles. Sacrificed herself to save dragon eggs from the Primalists. | Red | Deceased |
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Azure-Lord who coordinated the attacks of the blue dragonflight against the Wyrmrest Accord during the Nexus War. | Blue | Killable |
As a companion pet
[Blackwing Banner] has a chance to drop from Broodlord Lashlayer in Blackwing Lair.
- Drakks came from pre-purchasing any edition of Dragonflight.
Notes and trivia
- Drakonid were introduced with patch 1.6.0 in the Blackwing Lair raid. They were at first thought to have been artificially made by combining dragon and human blood in the labs of Nefarian,[56] but there are many variants that could not have been made by him.
- In 2009, Tom Chilton stated in an interview that Blizzard had considered making drakonid a playable race, saying: "We always looked at those and said, oh that would be a pretty cool player race - it would be cool to play as one of those guys. There's not a lot there as far as, where did they come from and what are they? But they are in the world and it wouldn't be completely inconceivable that a player would end up being able to play that, and we could continue to expand on the depth of that race and that sort of race."[57] A draconic playable race was ultimately added in the form of the dracthyr with the release of Dragonflight, 13 years later.
- When chasing an enemy, the old model for the drakonid twirl their polearms in a manner similar to that of the guardian of the Tkon Empire attacking Commander Riker in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "The Last Outpost".
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This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
"Dragonkin" as a more specific term than the creature type may be a "race" that includes both drakonid and dragonspawn. See dragonspawn speculation.
- Pre-Dragonflight
A red drakonid in World of Warcraft.
- Dragonflight
Drakonid models in Dragonflight.
Elemental infused Rymek.
- Card games
Ruby Protector in the Trading Card Game.
On the TCG card Reclaiming Holy Grounds.
Drakonid Operative in Hearthstone.
A female Evasive Drakonid in Hearthstone.
Incriminating Psychic in Hearthstone.
Onyx Magescribe in Hearthstone.
Drum Soloist in Hearthstone.
- ^ Chrono-Lord Epoch#Adventure Guide
- ^
[Brazier of Invocation: User's Manual] - Before General Drakkisath, there was Lord Valthalak, a drakonid warlock of immense power.
- ^ Night of the Dragon
- ^ a b Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects
- ^ World of Warcraft: The Magazine Volume I Issue II
- ^ Maloriak#Stage Two: Unpredictable Results
- ^ Corla, Herald of Twilight#Abilities
- ^ a b
[Brazier of Invocation: User's Manual]
- ^ Blackwing Drakonaar
- ^ Twilight Drakonaar
- ^ Evolved Drakonaar
- ^ Visage Day
- ^ WoW Blog/Classic Blackwing Lair#Face the Black Dragonflight
- ^ a b c d e World of Warcraft: The Dragonflight Codex, pg. 125
- ^
[10-70] Future of the Flights
- ^ Gryrmpech
- ^ a b World of Warcraft: War of the Scaleborn, pg. 14
- ^ The Art of Dragonflight
- ^ Drakks, Vexagoz, Eravaka
- ^ a b Archive lore tweets from loreology
- ^ a b World of Warcraft: The Magazine Volume II Issue I, pg. 89
- ^ World of Warcraft: War of the Scaleborn, pg. 305
- ^ a b
[20-30] Maxnar Must Die!
- ^ a b Blood of Our Fathers
- ^ Lord Hiram Creed
- ^ World of Warcraft: The Dragonflight Codex, pg. 124
- ^ World of Warcraft: War of the Scaleborn, pg. 26
- ^ a b World of Warcraft: War of the Scaleborn, pg. 88
- ^ a b World of Warcraft: War of the Scaleborn, pg. 112
- ^ The Forgotten Experiments boss fight, Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
- ^ World of Warcraft: War of the Scaleborn, pg. 160
- ^ World of Warcraft: War of the Scaleborn, pg. 233, 235, 237
- ^ https://www.well-played.com.au/dragon-racing-dragon-snoots-and-dragon-sheep-talking-draconic-with-the-wow-expansion-devs/
- ^
[10] Mercy First
- ^ Chrono Lord Deja#Adventure Guide
- ^ Harbinger Skyriss' boss fight
- ^
[25-30] Enter the Taskmaster
- ^ Warden of the Chamber, Wyrmrest Protector
- ^ Azure Captain, Azure Enforcer
- ^ Dragonblight Mage Hunter
- ^
[10-30] A Visit to the Curator
- ^
[10-30] The Cell
- ^ Varos Cloudstrider's dungeon journal
- ^ Night of the Dragon, pg. 287
- ^ Stormrage, chapter 27
- ^ Corla, Herald of Twilight#Adventure Guide
- ^ Karsh Steelbender#Adventure Guide
- ^ Drakonid Drudge, Drakonid Slayer, Drakonid Chainwielder
- ^
[35] Assassinate Creed
- ^ Drakonid Monstrosity
- ^ Twilight Drakonaar (Island Expeditions)
- ^ Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 86
- ^
[10-70] Southern Exposure
- ^
[10-70] Reporting In
- ^ Vault of the Incarnates raid
- ^ Underdev/Blackwing Lair: "It is believed, however that Nefarian has been experimenting with the blood of all of the various Dragon Flights to produce unstoppable warriors."
- ^ Wesley Yin-Poole 2009-07-03. Blizzard's Tom Chilton on the future of WoW. VideoGamer.com. Retrieved on 2019-08-13.