Vintner Iltheux

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HordeVintner Iltheux
Image of Vintner Iltheux
Title <High Vintner & Chef of Suramar>
Gender Male
Race Nightborne (Humanoid)
Resource Mana
Affiliation(s) Suramar
Location Various
Status Alive

Vintner Iltheux is a nightborne located in the Twilight Vineyards within Suramar City in Suramar. He instructs volunteers on how to make arcwine the correct way to help ensure that the vineyard meets its quota.


Battle for Azeroth

BattleForAzeroth-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

After the nightborne joined the Horde, Iltheux became responsible for overseeing all arcwine production for the Horde. He's used to making the wine himself, but Baine Bloodhoof sent in assistants—Micah Broadhoof, Boss Mida, Kazit, and Nomi—to speed up the process. This ended up having the opposite effect[1] since Iltheux assigned the workers to roles they were completely unsuited for,[2] leading to him refusing to work with the new staff.[3] During the vulpera recruitment questline, Meerah and the Horde adventurer travel to the vineyards and reassign the workers to more suitable tasks.[2] Nomi subsequently makes some slight changes to the arcwine recipe to make it appeal to the diverse palates of the Horde,[4] and when the finished wine is brought to Iltheux, the vintner praises it and states that he could not have done better himself.[5]


Dragonflight-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

He has traveled to Valdrakken in the Dragon Isles. He is one of the chefs invited for the Ruby Feast hosted by Rumiastrasza and Chef Morsel. He is available on Sundays. On his table next to him, he has ample supplies of Arcwine Spritzer as well as a book of the Finest Recipes of Suramar. On his buffet table, one may find  [Rare Vintage Arcwine],  [Fine Taladorian Cheese Platter] and  [Azsunian-Poached Lobster].


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Twilight Vineyards, Suramar[60.6, 56.6] 45 Alliance Horde
Twilight Vineyards, Suramar[58.8, 55.4] 50-80 Horde
Ruby Feast, Valdrakken[61.6, 12.6] 10-70 Alliance Horde

Objective of

Vulpera recruitment


Main article: Meeting their Quota#Notes
Vulpera recruitment
Main article: Playing to Their Strengths#Notes
Main article: Sip and Savor#Notes
Valdrakken gossip

Tanu'balah. The Nightwell once nourished us, but we have evolved beyond. Now I, Chef Iltheux, and my team of chefs do our best to nourish our people. We seek to do so with high quality ingredients and precise culinary technique.

Though I had not met them until arriving in these Dragon Isles, Chefs Rumiastrsza and Morsel have proven themselves just as capable as myself when it comes to impeccably prepared dining experiences. I'm most certain that it would please the First Arcanist endlessly if I were to invite them to our treasured Suramar.

In settings like this, I am pleased to be but a humble servant. I implore you to try my delicacies for yourself and spread the joy of a fine dining experience.


Patch changes


External links