Micah Broadhoof

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HordeMicah Broadhoof
Image of Micah Broadhoof
Gender Male
Race Highmountain tauren (Humanoid)
Level 50
Reaction Horde
Affiliation(s) Highmountain Tribe
Location Twilight Vineyards, Suramar
Status Alive

Micah Broadhoof is a Highmountain tauren located in the Twilight Vineyards in Suramar City during the vulpera recruitment questline. Along with Boss Mida and Nomi, he was sent to assist in producing arcwine for the Horde. Vintner Iltheux put him in charge of creating a recipe for the wine, a task he's ill-suited for.[1] When Meerah and the Horde adventurer arrive at the vineyards to help with production, they reassign Micah to the more suitable role of stomping fruit.[2] He can subsequently be seen performing this task, even after Nomi somehow sets the vat on fire.[3]

Objective of


Main article: The Vintner's Assistants#Notes
Main article: Playing to Their Strengths#Notes

Patch changes


External links