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Image of Venthi
Title <Essence Weaver>
Gender Female
Race Blue dragonspawn (Humanoid)
Level 65-68
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Cobalt Assembly, Blue dragonflight
Location Cobalt Assembly, Azure Span
Status Alive

Venthi is a blue dragonspawn located at the Cobalt Assembly in the Azure Span.




The Sundered Flame have taken over the Cobalt Assembly. What was once our home has now been taken from us.

We welcome any help that you can give. Beware of the wild arcana in the area... it is unpredictable at the best of times.

Later gossip

Find any arcane energies within the area? I will gladly use them to help thwart the Sundered Flame and reclaim our home. You'll be able to keep the remaining purified arcane essence from the process.

Gossip Deliver all arcane essences.


Patch changes

External links