Supporting the Cobalt Assembly

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NeutralSupporting the Cobalt Assembly
Start Althanus
End Venthi
Level 65-68
Category The Azure Span
Experience 4,750
Rewards 14g 4s 50c
Next N [70] Welcome to the Assembly


Speak with Venthi within the Cobalt Assembly.


<Name>, excellent timing.

Have you heard of the Cobalt Assembly? It was once a wondrous place where most of my kin lived.

The Sundered Flame forced us out and have taken it over.

There was a hope that we could take it from them, but the latest information from there shows we are fighting a losing battle.

Can you lend us your support? Meet Venthi within the Cobalt Assembly if you can.


You will receive:

  • 14g 4s 50c
  • 4,750 XP


We could always use more aid. Allow me to tell you of our current situation.


  • During development, the quest was named Aiding the Cobalt Assembly.


  1. N [65-68] Supporting the Cobalt Assembly
  2. N [70] Welcome to the Assembly

Patch changes

External links