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Racial Leaders in World of Warcraft
Alliance Horde
HordeThe Horde
Horde Crest.png
Main leader

IconSmall Garrosh.gif Garrosh Hellscream
IconSmall Vol'jin.gif Vol'jin
IconSmall Baine.gif Baine Bloodhoof
IconSmall Sylvanas.gif Sylvanas Windrunner
IconSmall Lor'themar.gif Lor'themar Theron

IconSmall Gallywix.gif Trade Prince Gallywix
Secondary leaders

IconSmall ThrallShaman.gif Thrall
IconSmall Varok.gif Varok Saurfang
IconSmall Drek'Thar.gif Drek'Thar
IconSmall Hamuul.gif Hamuul Runetotem
IconSmall Nazgrel.gif Nazgrel
IconSmall Aethas.gif Aethas Sunreaver
IconSmall Rexxar.gif Rexxar
IconSmall Geyah.gif Greatmother Geyah
IconSmall OrcBrown Male.gif Jorin Deadeye
IconSmall Leoroxx.gif Leoroxx
IconSmall Dragonmaw Female.gif Warlord Zaela
IconSmall BloodElf2 Male.gif Tae'thelan Bloodwatcher

IconSmall Taunka Male.gif Roanauk Icemist

OrcOrc Durotar Orcs
TrollTroll Darkspear Trolls
TaurenTauren Tauren
GoblinGoblin Bilgewater Goblins
UndeadUndead Forsaken Undead
Blood elfBlood elf Blood Elves
OgreOgre Stonemaul Ogres
Mag'har orcMag'har orc Mag'har
Half-ogreHalf-ogre Mok'nathal
Dragonmaw clanDragonmaw clan Dragonmaw Orcs
TaunkaTaunka Taunka
Half-orcHalf-orc Half-Orcs
Leper gnomeLeper gnome Leper Gnomes
Fel orcFel orc Chaos Orcs
IconSmall Wyvern.gif Wyverns
IconSmall Bat.gif Bats
IconSmall Dragonhawk.gif Dragonhawks

IconSmall Hobgoblin.gif Bilgewater Hobgoblin
Capital Orgrimmar
Other major settlements Thunder Bluff, Bilgewater Port, Undercity, Silvermoon City
Theater of operations Central and Southern Kalimdor, Lordaeron, Quel'thalas, Northrend, Outland
Language(s) Orcish
AllianceThe Alliance
Alliance Crest.png
Main leader

IconSmall Varian.gif King Varian Wrynn
IconSmall Genn.gif King Genn Greymane
IconSmall Jaina.gif Jaina Proudmoore
IconSmall Muradin.gif Muradin Bronzebeard
IconSmall Falstad.gif Falstad Wildhammer
IconSmall Moira.gif Moira Thaurissan
IconSmall Tyrande.gif Tyrande Whisperwind
IconSmall Malfurion.gif Malfurion Stormrage
IconSmall Mekkatorque.gif Gelbin Mekkatorque

IconSmall Velen.gif Prophet Velen
Secondary leaders

IconSmall Anduin.gif Anduin Wrynn
IconSmall Darius.gif Lord Darius Crowley
IconSmall Vereesa.gif Vereesa Windrunner
IconSmall Brann.gif Brann Bronzebeard
IconSmall Nobundo.gif Nobundo
IconSmall Broll.gif Broll Bearmantle
IconSmall Shandris.gif Shandris Feathermoon
IconSmall Danath.gif Danath Trollbane
IconSmall Kurdran.gif Kurdran Wildhammer
IconSmall Broken Male.gif Arechron

IconSmall FrostDwarf Male.gif Velog Icebellow

HumanHuman Humans
DwarfDwarf Bronzebeard Dwarves
GnomeGnome Gnomes
WorgenWorgen Gilneas Worgen
Night elfNight elf Night Elves
DraeneiDraenei Draenei
Wildhammer dwarfWildhammer dwarf Wildhammer Dwarves
High elfHigh elf High Elves
Cenarius's childrenCenarius's children Cenarius' Children
Frost dwarfFrost dwarf Frost Dwarves
Dark Iron dwarfDark Iron dwarf Dark Iron Dwarves
Half-elfHalf-elf Half-Elves
Half-orcHalf-orc Half-Orcs
Broken Broken
Ancient Ancients
Furbolg Stillpine Furbolgs
IconSmall Gryphon.gif Gryphons

IconSmall Hippogryph.gif Hippogryphs
Capital Stormwind City
Other major settlements Ironforge, Gilneas City, Gnomeregan, Darnassus, Exodar
Theater of operations Eastern Kingdoms, Northern and Central Kalimdor, Northrend, Outland
Language(s) Common

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