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NeutralAkaela Moonheart
No image available
Gender Male
Race Worgen
Class Druid, Herbalist, Alchemist
Occupation Healer, Traveler, Adventurer
Former occupation(s) Mage student
Status Alive
Relative(s) (mother, deceased)
Mentor(s) Archmage Malin, Tannysa, Alchemist Mallory, Belysra Starbreeze, Loganaar, Xarantaur
Companion(s) Silverwind (a saber cat)


Akaela was born to a humble herbalist, who taught him all she knew about remedies she made using medicinal herbs, and though they didn't have much they were happy, and were well liked and appreciated in their hometown of Goldshire. Alas, when Akaela was only eleven his mother was stricken by a disease that was beyond even her skill and knowledge. As she lay dying, she asked her son not to mourn but to live and find purpose and joy in his life.

Akaela's neighbors helped with the burial, and they honored his mother for all the times she'd helped them whenever they were sick, injured, or ailing. One of the neighbors offered her home to Akaela, but he kindly turned her down, as he was determined to keep his promise to his mother and find purpose in his life. With his neighbors' blessings and some gifts they gave him, including money, Akaela went to Stormwind and The Mage Quarter, where he hoped to find a mentor to teach him to become a Mage.

He managed to meet Archmage Malin, and convinced him to take Akaela on as a student in the Wizard's Sanctum. In the coming months, however, Akaela made very little progress. He studied hard and passed written exams, but when it came to actually casting spells and wielding the magic taught to him, his abilities were lacking. He fell into a depression after Malin finally broke it to him that Akaela just didn't have an aptitude for magic. He kindly pointed Akaela to Tannysa, a Night Elf Herbalist, who furthered Akaela's knowledge of Herbalism and taught him more about herbs and their uses and what sort of effects the proper mixtures could yield.

Deciding that Akaela needed to broaden his abilities, Tannysa directed him towards Alchemist Mallory, who began Akaela's instruction in Alchemy. Akaela's knowledge of Herbalism greatly attributed to his studies in Alchemy and he quickly grasped the intricate details of the subject.

By the time he was sixteen, Akaela had become a talented young Alchemist, Herbalist, and followed in his mother's footsteps, using his knowledge and skills as a Healer. But Akaela began to yearn for more, feeling that his purpose wasn't to live a comfortable life in Stormwind, but to go out there and use his abilities to help those in need.

He used his savings to buy traveling clothes, supplies, and a sword. His teachers each gave him a gift; Malin bestowed a cloak that would keep him warm and dry in bad weather and would help him avoid unwanted attention; Tannysa gave Akaela a mysterious seed and told him only to plant it in the place he would choose to make roots and call home; Mallory gave Akaela some quality alchemy equipment. With their blessings, Akaela set off to find his place in the world.

Akaela traveled to many distant places, looking for all kinds of Herbs and alchemical ingredients for his remedies and elixirs. He made money by offering his skills as a Healer to those in need, trading special herbs, and selling some of his potions and elixirs, and though things were often hard and lonely, he made due. He met the dwarfs of Ironforge, the Night Elves of Teldrassil, and in neutral lands and territories like Ratchet and Booty Bay where he made friends with Tauren, Orcs, and he even met the wandering Brewmaster Chen Stormstout whom he helped make a special beer with his herbs, and Chen gave Akaela a Pandaren talisman, saying it would bring him luck.

After a few years of travel, Akaela, now twenty years old, somehow found himself in the kingdom of Gilneas. Unbeknownst to Akaela, the kingdom was in the middle of a crisis where the Gilneans were beset by Worgen and Forsaken. Getting caught in the middle between the Gilneans and their enemies, Akaela was attacked by a Worgen, his arm and shoulder ravaged, and left to die bleeding in the forest. He lay there on the ground, scared, and in pain... when he was happened upon by a Night Elf priestess.

Akaela woke up, alive and tended to, in Tal'doren, where the priestess, Belysra Starbreeze, explained to Akaela what had happened to him, and that he now bore the curse of the Worgen. At first afraid, Akaela was calmed by Belysra, who told him this curse could be made into a gift, if he was willing. He asked her to help him however she could to overcome the curse, and she invited him to drink from the Wells of Tranquility, of Balance, and of Fury.

Drinking from the Wells, Akaela received a vision of the Wild God Goldrinn, of Malfurion Stormrage, and finally of his mother. From Goldrinn, Akela learned that this curse could be a strength to make him strong enough to face a greater destiny than he'd ever thought possible. From Malfurion, Akaela was inspired to take the path of the Druid. From his mother, Akaela was able to finally move on and feel assured his mother was still watching over him.

Awakening from the vision, Akaela felt a fire inside that burned to be released. Giving in, he transformed for the first time into his Worgen Form. He ran through the forest, embracing the physical superiority of his new body, before eventually he returned to Belysra and thanked her for helping him. He then asked if she could help him find the Moonglade, stating that Malfurion had encouraged him to learn the ways of the Druid, and she easily transported him there.

Akaela quickly came under the tutelage of Loganaar, and to his fascination and delight he found he possessed an innate talent for Druidism. Under his mentor's guidance, Akaela became a skilled and talented Druid in just a few years, specializing in Balance while also taking well to the Druid skills of Shapeshifting.

At the age of twenty-five, Akaela decided to resume traveling, and see the world through wiser and more experienced eyes. He came to become depressed by the constant wars and conflicts between the Alliance and the Horde. He frequented Neutral Territories where he caught up with some old friends, who were surprised to see him now a Worgen.

Akaela then made a trip to visit the Night Elves of Teldrassil to learn more about Druidism and became interested in the Emerald Dream. One night while looking over some scrolls in the Temple of the Moon, Akaela sensed a distress in Shadowglen and left to investigate. He soon happened upon a wild Saber cat that was obviously about to give birth but was being threatened by several Tarantulas. Without hesitation, Akaela came to the cat's aid and drove off the spiders. He then turned to the Saber and was able to calm her and even assist her in giving birth to her cubs. It was in that moment he was approached by Shandris Feathermoon, the General of the Night Elves' Sentinel Army. She'd observed Akaela's actions and praised him for his compassion, stating his heart shined like the full moon, and Akaela took on the name of Moonheart along with his birth name. Shandris insisted Akaela raise one of the cubs of the Saber he'd saved, and once the cubs were old enough to leave their mother, Akaela accepted a male cub and named him Silverwind.

Accompanied by his new friend, who soon grew large enough to be his mount, Akaela finally returned to his old hometown of Goldshire. Alas, his old neighbors didn't recognize him and even though he revealed who he was they looked upon him differently. The experience disheartened Akaela, so he continued on to Stormwind to see his old teachers. There, he was given a warmer reception, but soon learned of King Varian Wrynn's plans for war. Akela was asked by Archmage Malin to join the army of the Alliance, but Akaela refused, believing as a Druid he could not be a part of such violence. He somehow managed to meet Broll Bearmantle, who advised the younger Druid to trust his instincts and his own hands.

Astride Silderwind, Akaela made his way to Duskwood, finding the portal to the Emerald Dream there, and without hesitation he entered. However, Akaela was not prepared for venturing physically into the Emerald Dream and fell into a slumber, as did his Saber Cat. Akaela slept in the Emerald Dream for several years, not ageing a single day... until a terrible feeling of loss, agony, and despair roused him and Silverwind awake, and they managed to find the portal back to the psychical world.

Returning to Stormwind, Akaela was horrified to learn of the Burning of Teldrassil, which had been orchestrated by Sylvanas Windrunner, the War Chief of the Horde. Despite the atrocities committed by the Horde, Akaela felt the Horde was misled by a corrupt leader and still refused to fight for the Alliance, as he had seen and learned and experienced enough in his travels to know the Alliance was not free of fault, and recognized that too many wrongs had been done by and to both sides. He visited the Night Elf refugees who'd all gathered around Stormwind Lake, and though he comforted them he was disturbed by some of them who sought vengeance out of hatred and anger. That night, he meditated, hoping to find a solution... when he gazed up at the moon, full and bright, and became enamored of its perfect circular shape, noting a circle has no sides... and was struck with inspiration.

Somehow, Akaela managed to send messages to the many friends he'd made during his travels and invited them to join him in forming a new faction built upon the virtues of peace, unity, harmony, the preservation of life, only fighting to defend one's self and loved ones, and to leave behind old hatreds, grudges, and animosities. Not all answered his invitation, but enough did that he became emboldened to found the Circle - A Faction that would not side with the Alliance or the Horde, a faction that would bring together all races and encourage diplomacy and resolution rather than war and violence, a faction that would only fight out of defense and never seek conquest or revenge.

To lead the Circle, Akaela formed the Inner Circle, a council of representatives for each race that joined the Circle, himself standing for Worgen while his friends represented Humans, Night Elves, Tauren, Orcs, Draenei, Pandaren, Dwarfs, Goblins, Gnomes, and Trolls. However, Akela refused to allow Forsaken into the Circle, due to the Forsaken being undead and tied either to Sylvanas or the Lich King. Akaela was hesitant to permit Blood Elves into the Circle because of the Blood Elves addiction for Arcane magic. He carefully screened Blood Elves who sought to join the Circle, testing if they had overcome their addiction, which eventually led to Blood Elves having a representative in the Inner Circle.


Akaela has lived most of his life as a Healer, and thus has deep compassion and understanding in his heart. As a child after the passing of his mother, he initially believed his path in life was to become a mage, but became disheartened to find he had no talent for the Arcane. His teachers however lifted his spirits by helping him improve his knowledge and skills in as an Herbalist and even introducing him to Alchemy, showing that despite his failure to become a mage he was determined to succeed in his life.

After developing some wanderlust, Akaela set out and his travels took him to many places and he made many friends, including friends among Orcs, Tauren, Goblins, and Pandaren. He underwent both a physical and spiritual transformation after he became a Worgen, and found his calling as a Druid, and his love and appreciation for Life grew stronger. However, he was disillusioned by the constant warring between the Alliance and the Horde, seeing their conflicts as destructive and corrupting to Azeroth, is why he refused to participate in the war between the two factions.

It was only after the Burning of Teldrassil did Akaela finally step up and take an active role, but instead of fighting Akaela founded a new faction he dubbed the Circle. To him, the Circle would have only two sides, the outside, against those who threatened the Circle, and the inside, those who stood with him and his ideals of peace, unity, preservation, and self-defense. For Akaela, the Circle would welcome any who no longer wanted to fight in the wars between the Alliance and the Horde. However, Akaela refused to permit Forsaken as they were undead, and was very selective of Blood Elves, due to their race's infamous addiction to arcane energies. Knowing he couldn't lead the Circle on his own, Akaela formed the Inner Circle, a council of representatives for each race that joined the faction, with himself leading the Worgen. He made it so no member of the Inner Circle would lead the Circle overall, and Akaela himself enforced the ideals and the principles upon which the Circle was built and stood for.

As a leader, Akaela is pragmatic, thinking before he acts but not to the point of indecisiveness. He believes in fighting only out of self-defense and for protecting what is important. He adopted the Pandaren belief that the question is not why one fights but rather what is worth fighting for. For Akaela, that is home, friends, family, life, and harmony.

He is young, but wise, and endeavors to be a creative thinker. He enjoys reading, indulging in his craft, and spending time with his friends, as well as riding his Saber Cat Silverwind.


Powers & Abilities



Akaela's Mother was an Herbalist and a healer living in Goldshire, where she raised her son and taught him as much as she could. Though their lives weren't always easy, they were happy. Akaela's life would never be the same when his mother fell ill. Despite their efforts to alleviate her sickness the disease breaking down her body was beyond the skill and knowledge of Akaela's mother. As she lay dying, she asked her son not to grieve, but to live, to find joy and purpose in life, and when Akaela swore to his mother that he would, she declared she would love her son always and would be with him in spirit. Their neighbors helped with the burial and Akaela took his mother's words to heart.

Years after his mother's death, after drinking from the Wells beneath Tal'doren to overcome the potential madness of the Worgen curse, Akaela received a vision, which included his mother's spirit. Seeing her again, feeling her touch and embracing her filled Akaela with hope and determination, and he finally moved on before parting from her, as she renewed her promise to always watch over him in spirit and wished him well in his future.

Stormwind Teachers

During his younger years in Stormwind, Akaela had initially sought to become a Mage and came under the tutelage of Archmage Malin, who regretfully informed Akaela he was not suited for Arcane magic. He directed the boy to Tannysa, who helped Akaela refine his knowledge and skills as a Herbalist, and she then suggested he learn alchemy under Alchemist Mallory. He cared for and respected them all, grateful for the guidance and tutelage they all gave him.

When Akaela chose to travel and experience the world, all three of his teachers saw him off and gave him gifts to take on his journey.

Belysra Starbreeze

During his travels, Akaela somehow found his way to the kingdom of Gilneas, where he was attacked by a Worgen. He would have died or become a mindless monster had he not been saved by the Night Elf Priestess, Belysra Starbreeze. She helped Akaela learn to accept his curse and make it a gift, and helped him reach the Moonglade, where he sought to begin learning the ways of the Druid.

Druid Teachers

After reaching the Moonglade, Akaela came under the tutelage of Loganaar and even Xarantaur. Under their guidance, he became a talented Druid in just a few years

Shandris Feathermoon

Akaela met the Sentinel General after he'd saved a Saber cat about to give birth from Tarantulas and even assisted her in birthing her cubs. Shandris had witnessed the whole thing and praised Akaela for his actions, saying his heart shined like the full moon, which is how Akaela took on the name Moonheart alongside his own. She then suggested Akeala take one of the cat's cubs.


After resuming his travels, Akaela went to Teldrassil to learn more about Druidism. During his time there, he sensed a creature in distress and came upon a Saber cat about to give birth while being threatened by Tarantulas. He drove the spiders off and helped the cat birth her cubs. He was approached by Shandris Feathermoon, who praised Akaela for his actions and suggested he raise one of the cat's cubs. Once the cubs were old enough, Akaela chose a male and named him Silverwind, who became the young Druid's constant companion, and later his mount after Silverwind grew big enough.

Chen Stormstout

During his travels, Akaela met the wandering Brewmaster, Chen Stormstout, who was the first Pandaren Akaela had ever met. They traveled together for a while, and Akaela shared some of his collected Herbs for Chen to use in some of his brewing recipes. The grateful Pandaren gave Akaela a Pandaren talisman before they parted ways, saying it would bring him luck, and they bade each other farewell, parting as friends.

Muln Earthfury

Curious about Shamanism despite his being a Druid, Akaela sought out the Earthen Ring, and met the High Shaman Muln Earthfury. The Tauren shared his experiences with the young Worgen, telling of how the Earthen Ring was almost destroyed by Shotoa, and how it resulted in the death of Muln's student, Kettara Bloodthirst. The ordeal had taught Muln a lesson about remaining true to the ways of Shamanism instead of twisting and perverting it to suit his own ends as Shotoa had tried to tempt others. Muln's story resonated with Akaela, who understood the necessity of Balance, and thanked Muln for sharing his story, as painful as it was. He quickly came to respect the Shaman and the Shaman in turn saw greatness in the Druid, and Akaela moved on, after having made another friend.


During his travels, Akaela and Silverwind were somehow transported to the island of Zandalar. It was a harrowing place fraught with dangers and beasts foreign to the Druid and his faithful cat. Luckily, they were happened upon by a caravan of Vulpera, led by Kiro, who offered Akaela assistance in exchange for a fee. Akaela agreed, offering to provide security and healing, and perhaps to do business with the Vulpera traders. During the time he traveled with his caravan, Akaela and Kiro became close friends, trading stories, poking fun at each other with jokes and riddles, and trading secrets in healing and alchemy. One day, the caravan was attacked by Blood Trolls and Akaela risked his life to protect the caravan. One of the trolls came close to killing Akaela's beloved Silverwind, when Kiro snuck up on this troll and knocked him unconcious, saving the cat's life and earning Akaela's deepest gratitude.

Once the caravan arrived at its destination, Kiro gave Akaela a trinket he acquired a long time ago, and Akaela realized it was a  [Hearthstone]. Despite the risk of not knowing where this Hearthstone could take him, Akaela accepted the stone and they parted ways as friends, promising to see each other again, and the Hearthstone wound up transporting Akaela and Silverwind to Pandaria, but not before Akaela managed to craft another Hearthstone that was keyed to Vol'dun.

Broll Bearmantle

Prior to the War of Thorns, back when Varian Wrynn was still king of Stormwind, Akaela was deeply troubled by Varian's decision to take the Alliance into war. He bumped into Varian's good friend, Broll Bearmantle, and the two Druids shared a deep talk. Akaela felt obligated to do something but felt war was not the answer. Unable to give Akaela the answers he was looking for, Broll encouraged Akaela to trust in his instincts and his own hands.


  • Akaela is one of my Adventurer characters and is non-canon to the Warcraft franchise