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Image of Akarek
Title <Margrave>
Gender Male
Race Aranakk (Humanoid)
Class Rogue
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Leader of the House of Many Eyes
Location Maldraxxus
Status Reforming
Student(s) Draka
Amber Kearnen

Margrave Akarek was the leader of the House of Eyes, one of the five Necrolord houses of Maldraxxus.


Before the fall of his House, Margrave Akarek sent Baroness Vashj to investigate suspicious behavior in the House of Rituals.[1] Following the mysterious destruction of the House of Plagues, Akarek suspected that Maldraxxus' purpose was in peril, and sent his protégé Draka to deliver a vital message to Margrave Krexus of the House of the Chosen. Shortly after Draka departed, the house's necropolis exploded, taking Akarek with it. Draka eventually reached Margrave Krexus and delivered her lord's final message, which stated "I offer the key to saving Maldraxxus". Krexus and Draka both realized that Draka was the key in question, meaning that Akarek had suspected that his demise was imminent, and had sent Draka to relative safety and to Krexus's side. That day, Draka joined the House of the Chosen.[2]

The House of Eyes still struggles to persist through Akarek's demise.[3] After his death, Akarek's soul was brought to the infinite plane of Amelior, for where he would reform.[4]
