User:N'Nanz/Fel Damned

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
Gilneas Fel Damned
The flag of Gilneas
Faction/Affiliation Alliance
Character classes Hunter, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Warrior (WOW), Mage, Warlock, Barbarian, Gladiator,Demon Hunter, Soldier, Beastmaster, Berserker, Sorcerer, Necromancer, Commoner, Marksman, Scout, Archmage, Buccaneer, Exemplar, Gunman, Infiltrator (RPG)
Racial capital Gilneas
Racial leader(s) Lord Genn Greymane
Racial mount Hydra
Homeworld Azeroth
Language(s) Gilnerian (a mixture between Common and Kalimag)
Average height 1.7-2 meters


The Fel Damned of Gilneas are an unlucky though loyal race. They once were humans that joined the Alliance of Lordaeron against the Horde. At the start of the Second War Gilneas was one of the most powerful human nations, and because of this the kingdom's ruler, Genn Greymane, was not a strong supporter of the Alliance, believing that his own armies would be more than enough to deal with any threat. Despite this, Gilneas was not neutral towards the Horde. Gilneas did join the Alliance late in the Second War, but very shortly after the Horde was defeated, Greymane pulled his nation's support from the Alliance, refusing to spend his nation's resources on keeping the orcs alive in internment camps or in rebuilding other nations devastated by the war. Greymane's isolationism may have been influenced by Daval Prestor, secretly black dragon Deathwing in human disguise, who Greymane had supported to the throne of Alterac.

Sometime after the Second War, Greymane, attempting to forever remove his nation from what he considered "other people's troubles", barricaded Gilneas behind the Greymane Wall and commanded the summarily execution of all orcs kept in local internment camps. No one, not even other humans were allowed to enter Gilneas. Even during the Scourge's invasion of Lordaeron, while human refugees came begging to be allowed in, the Greymane Wall remained closed. Because of this, Gilneas was not affected by the Scourge. Although the land connection to Gilneas is closed, ships from Gilneas have been spotted throughout the world, such as the pirate ship Heedless of captain Baron Longshore. Apparently thanks to the latter, Jaina Proudmoore managed to convince a number of people from Gilneas to join her during exodus to Kalimdor during the Third War. These people formed the Gilneas Brigade and are the last remaining humans hailing from Gilneas.

In truth the Graymane wall was Gileas doom. Isolated from the rest of Azeroth, Gilneas people were subjugated by Deathwing and bound to the will of the Old Gods that corrupted them. Their corruption became manifest in their appearence. they started to become some fishy creature very resemblant to Naga, other servitors of the Old Gods that started invading the nation. However the arrival of the Burning Legion someway touched Gilneas. In fact the destruction of the nearby Dalaran broke the control of the Old Gods over Gilneas People that started to fight their grasp, forcing Daval Prestor, now co-leader of the nation to flee. But their freedom came to a cost. In fact the fel-energies released by the legion gave them another mutation. Now the Fel Damned look at the Alliance in order to have their vengeance against the Old Gods and to take full control of their lands.


Fel Damned are oneof the more cursed and twisted race of Azeroth. They have yellowish skin, spined fists and arms thanks to the corruption of the Old gods in large shored region and angular horns protunding from their brows and small, black-feathered wings from the Fel-energies released in Dalaran. They look like a mixture of a Naga and a Felblood however they have human origins and not highborne origins.

Starting Attributes

Base Hunter Paladin Priest Rogue Warrior
Strength 20 20 22 20 21 23
Agility 18 21 18 18 21 18
Stamina 22 23 24 22 23 24
Intellect 23 20 23 25 20 23
Spirit 20 21 21 23 21 20

Racial Traits

Short Fly
Activate to move 5 feet above the ground for 40 seconds.
Aquatic inclination
Increase 10% swim speed while active.
Hard Working
10 point skill bonus to all Professions.
5% damage bonus to Dragonkin, Elemental and Giant.