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70 Bc icon.gif

Enhancement (0/45/16)

No SpecEnhancement (45)
Icon Talent Points
Spell shadow grimward.png [Ancestral Knowledge] 5/5
Spell nature stoneskintotem.png [Guardian Totems] 2/2
Ability thunderbolt.png [Thundering Strikes] 5/5
Spell nature earthbindtotem.png [Enhancing Totems] 2/2
Spell nature elementalabsorption.png [Shamanistic Focus] 1/1
Ability ghoulfrenzy.png [Flurry] 5/5
Spell fire enchantweapon.png [Improved Weapon Totems] 2/2
Ability parry.png [Spirit Weapons] 1/1
Spell fire flametounge.png [Elemental Weapons] 3/3
Spell nature mentalquickness.png [Mental Quickness] 3/3
Ability hunter swiftstrike.png [Weapon Mastery] 5/5
Ability dualwieldspecialization.png [Dual Wield Specialization] 3/3
Ability dualwield.png Dual Wield 1/1
Ability shaman stormstrike.png [Stormstrike] 1/1
Spell nature unleashedrage.png [Unleashed Rage] 5/5
Spell nature shamanrage.png [Shamanistic Rage] 1/1
RestorationRestoration (16)
Spell nature magicimmunity.png [Improved Healing Wave] 5/5
Spell nature reincarnation.png [Improved Reincarnation] 2/2
Spell nature moonglow.png [Totemic Focus] 5/5
Spell frost stun.png [Nature's Guidance] 3/3
Spell nature nullward.png [Totemic Mastery] 1/1

Restoration (0/5/56)

No SpecEnhancement (5)
Icon Talent Points
Spell shadow grimward.png [Ancestral Knowledge] 5/5
RestorationRestoration (56)
Icon Talent Points
Spell nature magicimmunity.png [Improved Healing Wave] 5/5
Spell frost manarecharge.png [Tidal Focus] 5/5
Spell nature undyingstrength.png [Ancestral Healing] 3/3
Spell nature moonglow.png [Totemic Focus] 5/5
Spell nature healingwavelesser.png Healing Focus 5/5
Spell nature nullward.png [Totemic Mastery] 1/1
Spell nature healingtouch.png [Healing Grace] 3/3
Spell nature manaregentotem.png [Restorative Totems] 5/5
Spell nature tranquility.png [Tidal Mastery] 5/5
Spell nature healingway.png [Healing Way] 3/3
Spell nature ravenform.png [Nature's Swiftness] 1/1
Spell nature focusedmind.png Focused Mind 3/3
Spell frost wizardmark.png Purification 5/5
Spell frost summonwaterelemental.png [Mana Tide Totem] 1/1
Spell nature natureblessing.png [Nature's Blessing] 3/3
Spell nature healingwavegreater.png [Improved Chain Heal] 2/2
Spell nature skinofearth.png [Earth Shield] 1/1

70 Wrath-Logo-Small.png

Enhancement (0/45/16)

No SpecEnhancement (45)
Icon Talent Points
Spell shadow grimward.png [Ancestral Knowledge] 3/3
Spell nature bloodlust.png [Mental Dexterity] 2/3

Restoration (0/3/48)

No SpecEnhancement (3)
Icon Talent Points
Spell shadow grimward.png [Ancestral Knowledge] 3/3
RestorationRestoration (48)
Spell nature healingwavelesser.png Healing Focus 3/3
Ability druid lunarguidance.png [Blessing of the Eternals] 2/2
Spell nature skinofearth.png [Improved Earth Shield] 2/2

70+ Wrath-Logo-Small.png

Enhancement (0/55/16)

No SpecEnhancement (55)
Icon Talent Points
Spell nature bloodlust.png [Mental Dexterity] 3/3
INV Axe 35.png Weapon Specialization 4/5
Spell nature spiritwolf.png [Feral Spirit] 1/1
Inv axe 35.png Weapon Specialization 5/5
Ability shaman stormstrike.png [Improved Stormstrike] 1/2
Spell nature shamanrage.png Improved Shamanistic Rage 1/2
Ability shaman stormstrike.png [Improved Stormstrike] 2/2

Restoration (0/3/58)

RestorationRestoration (58)
Icon Talent Points
Spell fire bluefirenova.png [Tidal Waves] 5/5
Spell nature undyingstrength.png [Ancestral Awakening] 3/3
Spell holy purify.png [Spirit Link] 3/3
Spell nature regenerate.png [Cleanse Spirit] 1/1

Yarr! Tools: WotLK Talent Calculator