Enhancing Totems

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Enhancing Totems
Spell nature earthbindtotem.png
Class Shaman
School N/A
Cooldown None/Global Cooldown
Other information
Affects [Strength of Earth Totem], [Grace of Air Totem]

Enhancing Totems is a Shaman talent in the Enhancement tree. It increases the strength and agility granted by [Strength of Earth Totem] and the spell power granted by [Flametongue Totem].


The bonus spell power granted by Flametongue Totem affects both damage and healing, making this a viable talent for Restoration shamans. However, [Totem of Wrath] provides more spell power than Flametongue totem does even when improved, reducing the value of this talent when used in a group or raid with an Elemental Shaman. The only reason for an Elemental shaman who has Totem of Wrath to invest in this talent is to increase the strength and agility of other party or raid members, as he will not benefit from this talent himself.

Tips and tactics

Since both of the totems affected are raid wide, only one shaman in a raid needs this talent for everyone to benefit.

Patch changes

External links