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This article is a player character biography page for Naranjar of Silvermoon US created by Kunzite1.

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.
Please make sure player character articles are named properly - see the player character articles policy.

Name Faction Server Race Class Level Guild Rank
NaranjarWoWWiki Horde Horde Silvermoon US IconSmall Troll Male.gif Troll ShamanShaman 85 MàyhemWoWWiki Private
Name Faction Server Race Class Level Guild Rank
No image available
Title <Lord of Phobos>
Gender Male
Race Troll (Player character)
Level 85
Affiliation(s) Horde
Location Orgrimmar


Started out life in the Valley of Trials, killing them boars. Now I farm instances for loots and my gold, it soars.

I was initially a member of the Brotherhood of Twilight[1] but then it became slightly old-and-busted so my younger compadres held down the fort over there whilst I went to hang with the Hellfire Templars[2].

Over time my comfortability fell a little short and I decided to move back to the Brotherhood but also while keeping track of my friends who remained in the Hellfire.

One such friend was part of Pentex[3] and The Pentex Corporation[4] and I headed in that direction. Though, after a while, the guild eventually dissolved. One of my friends from Hellfire created the Army of the Dark Queen[5] and I decided to hang with them for some time. Then several jumped ship and headed off to Màyhem[6]. They since disbanded and I skipped along to Meitha[7].

I have some filthy, filthy Alliance characters in Run Away Little Girl[8] and Shadowglen Rejects[9].


Title Achievement
Ambassador  Ambassador of the Horde
Bloodsail Admiral  Avast Ye, Admiral!
Brewmaster  Brewmaster
Chef  Hail to the Chef
Crusader  Exalted Argent Champion of the Horde
Elder  To Honor One's Elders
Flame Keeper  The Flame Keeper
Merrymaker  Merrymaker
Patron  For The Children
Title Achievement
the Argent Champion  The Argent Champion
the Diplomat  The Diplomat
the Explorer  Universal Explorer
the Hallowed  Hallowed Be Thy Name
Jenkins  Leeeeeeeeeeeeeroy!
the Love Fool  Fool For Love
the Noble  Noble Gardener
of Orgrimmar  Exalted Champion of Orgrimmar
the Patient  Looking For Many
the Pilgrim  Pilgrim
the Seeker  3000 Quests Completed
of Sen'jin  Exalted Champion of Sen'jin
of the Shattered Sun N [25-30] A Magnanimous Benefactor
of Silvermoon  Exalted Champion of Silvermoon City
of Thunder Bluff  Exalted Champion of Thunder Bluff
of the Undercity  Exalted Champion of the Undercity



I've kinda been known to randomly (and accidentally) jump (or fall) off of cliffs and other various places to fall to one's doom. I'm pretty good at it too.


Disenchanting items is fun. I also get to perform enchants upon my guild members' gear. Yay for being able to enhance my own gear and that of my friends.

First Aid

Not quite sure why I picked this up. I can heal myself. Figure I might be able to sell the bandages on the Auction House.


With this profession I can create gear for my low-level alts and friends' low-level alts that may have higher stats than early drops and quest rewards. With enchanting as another profession I can also enhance the tailored items.