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This article is a player character biography page

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General Information

Name Faction Server Race Class Level Guild Rank
Majikuu Horde Malfurion IconSmall Troll Male.gif Shaman Shaman 70 RANK THIS Senior Sergeant
Name Faction Server Race Class Level Guild Rank
Image of Majikuu
Title <God of Thunder...and Rock & Roll>
Gender Male
Race Troll
Level 70 Shaman
Affiliation(s) Orgrimmar

Majikuu was born on the Echo Isles, though it was shortly after his birth that his family relocated to Sen'jin Village on the coast of Durotar. A somewhat morbid individual, Majikuu enjoys watching people die due to their own stupidity. An aspiring Witch Doctor, his closest friend is Kaname, and the duo often adventure together.

Though fully capable of outdamaging Kaname, a Tauren warrior, he more often than not plays the role of healer, trying to save her from herself, usually taunting her playfully as he keeps her alive. Their misadventures together have taken them all over Azeroth, from Mulgore to Tanaris to Stranglethorn Vale to Blackrock Spire, and Outland.
Maj is a strong advocate for the idea of the Darkspear tribe siezing control of Zul'Gurub and claiming that as their new home. Unfortunately, most other Trolls seem content to lounge around Orgrimmar and mooch off the Orcs.


Though an accomplished healer, Maj greatly enjoys dishing out large amounts of pain to any and all that would challenge him or the Horde. He has served with distinction in many battles over the coveted areas of Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin, and Alterac Valley. Always one to fight for the Horde, Maj has also fought many battles at the village of Crossroads to drive off encroaching Alliance. He also also helped defend the great cities of Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, and Undercity against enemy raids more times than he cares to count. His valor has earned him the rank of Senior Sergeant (Legacy), and he wonders why the Horde abruptly stopped using ranks, somewhat miffed that he's not a Champion by now, or at least a decorated Horde  [Blood Guard].

Horde intelligence suggests that the members of the Alliance are praying to their various gods that Majikuu never finds his way to the city of Halaa. And while he has indeed been there, he doesn't see it as a position worth holding. His thoughts are to "let the Alliance weenies have it, mon; tis worthless to us."

Love and Loathing in the Underaffiliation

Maj and Sylvanas.

Though Maj often adventures together with Kaname and even flirts with her, he realizes that Tsuno would stomp him into the ground if he ever made a serious move on her. Maj's heart truly belongs to Lady Sylvanas of the Undercity. Though she welcomes him into the Undercity with open arms every time he's there, her bodyguard Varimathras hates Maj with every fiber of his demonic being. Maj suspects that "Vari" is still bitter over the spiked punch that left him talking like a Chipmunk for two weeks.

"The mon be havin' no sense of humor" comments Maj, his heavy jungle accent making the words sound almost comical.

When questioned about his relationship with Sylvanas, he answered with a disturbing comment, grinning broadly.

"It's not necrophilia if she's undead, mon."

This means he may be more morbid and warped than anyone dared assume previously.

He laughs it off and claims to be kidding, but one really has to wonder. Whatever the reason, he spends a lot of time in the Undercity.

Maj overlooking the ruins of Lordaeron.

The Future

Maj looks towards a bright future where the evil Alliance are no more, save for female Night Elves dancing on mailboxes in every major city, a future where he himself has been crowned a king of the shaman and his greatness is recognized the world over.

Whatever the future may hold, though, one thing is certain; Maj will stand ready to kick someone's ass and boldly declare "Frost shockkkk!"


"Frost shock!"

"My voodoo be bigger than yours, mon."

"Yeah, but that don't mean you not an idiot."

"The Light? Pfft, the only God I believe in be the Raptor Jesus; he went extinct for your sins, mon."

Maj throwing a hadouke- er, I mean, Lightning Bolt.