Seo Yoru

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Lore: user:Jeon Moonn/Characters
This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
NeutralSeo Yoru (夜)

Seo Yoru.png

Title The Night Slayer
Heir of the Seo family
Gender Male
Race Unknown race (humanoid)
Class Slayer, Demon Hunter
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Army of the Black Moon, Night Fae Covenant, Independent
Former affiliation(s) Alliance (allied)
Occupation Night Warrior, Executioner and Slayer
Location Various
Status Alive
Relative(s) Unnamed Biological Father †
Unnamed Biological Mother †
Lord Seo † (Adoptive Father)
Lady Seo † (Adoptive Mother)
Jeon Moon (Love Interest)
Mentor(s) Iselin, Thiernax (Shadowlands)

Seo Yoru is of an unknown race native to the planet Fyzandi, but born in Azeroth.

Yoru born with Night Warrior power, he become a formidable Slayer, Demon Hunter, Executioner and controller of the shadow, became the an excellent ally of the Alliance.

🌘 Seo Yoru's Story 🌒

On a distant planet called Fyzandi, a calamity known as Old God started a devastating war known as the Endless War, Yoru's parents two skilled Warriors tried everything to save their planet from this calamity and in despair and as the last option the mother de Yoru tried a desperate strategy, conjuring an ancient and very dangerous sacred ritual called the Night Warrior ritual, she then turned into the wrath of the goddess the avatar of the wrath of a goddess but she knew the price to pay, the price was the life itself because a mortal body could not withstand the Wrath of a Goddess for long, so she knew that her time was numbered, she did everything to win the war against this calamity but in the end she realized that she was just postponing the inevitable, then Yoru's father as a final sacrifice and to save his planet, his people and his wife who was pregnant, and about to have his child during that war, to save his child he asked her to flee Fyzandi with force of the power of the night warrior, and without choices she made it, and like a meteor she managed to reach another planet.

planet Azeroth.

She then descended on this unknown planet and knew that at any moment she would be consumed by the wrath of night warrior, knowing that she didn't have much time and with all the pain she was feeling she gave birth to the child there in that unknown world in the middle of a forest over the moonlight, and so she gave birth to their son and named him "Yoru", which had the meaning "night" for he was born of a night warrior and in a night when many things happened, and at the very moment when Yoru was being born there was a lunar eclipse in the sky where the moon became a Black Moon and then Yoru's mother with the last remnants of her powers decided to say goodbye to her son and left him in that forest that night under the moonlight and happy for having at least saved him, she then flew into space leaving her son behind, she already knew the fate that awaited her next.

World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

BlizzCon 2019 Warcraft III Reforged 02.jpg
Sentinels units.

So that forest where Yoru was born was actually one of the forests of Kalimdor which was the region of the well-known night elves, ancient elves who had protected the planet for ages and had dominion over a good part of the continent of Kalimdor, so some ranger rangers saw that scene and they who were also a people devoted to the goddess of the Moon realized that that woman who arrived from space was imbued with the power of the night warrior, so seeing that that child was born of a carrier of the Power of the night warrior they were afraid to tell the leader of her people because it was thought that child might be a weapon, they told the Ranger General of the Sentinels Shandris and she as adopted daughter of the Leader of the Night Elves, Tyrande Whisperwind, decided that she would keep this secret for the time being and that eke she would say about the care of the forest dryads and also that the rangers and rangers could help look after him and that when the time came, she would tell her mother about the boy herself.

Shortly afterwards, a couple of night elves, the last descendants of a family of exorcists, who hunted evils in the forest, and while they were hunting through the forest, they came across dryads taking care of Yoru and realized that the little boy's energy kept evils away, they saw This boy's great potential is to be a great exorcite and continue the Seo family legacy in the future, so they decided to adopt him.

Time went by and Tyrande, the leader of the night elves, learned of rumors of a boy who would be born to a warrior of the night coming from the skies and asked Shandris who then denied it and said that it was just rumors and legend, deciding that it was not yet time to tell his mother the truth, time passed and Yoru grew up in the care of his adoptive parents/masters, and little by little he discovered that because he was born to a carrier of the night warrior


he had several gifts, how to get see demons, ghosts and evils with the naked eyes, he could also camouflage himself among the shadows to run faster or hunt faster, he became a protector of the forest for protecting it from demons, shadows and ghosts.

Over time the night elves began to consider him an ally of exorcists/demon hunters who protected the forest he was born and lived in, now as a teenager he was discovering more about his gifts/powers and one day his adoptive parents were gone. very old people died and because they were the last descendants of the Seo family, one of the important families of the night elves, they had a dignified funeral and then came the day when Patrol General Shandris told the truth to his mother Tyrande and that the boy who would from now on carry the family surname Seo was the boy of the rumors of a few years ago, but she also showed that he was a great ally and that he protected the forest from evils that the sentinels could not see, Tyrande then proposed a deal to the new heir of the Seo family, that he could remain in the forest under the domain of his people in honor of his deceased adoptive parents, as long as he helped her when asked and remained an ally of the night elves, he accepted, so he had proper training with the Army and the Sentinels and was improving to become a great hunter and protector there in the Forest of Kalimdor.


Later, when Yoru was already an adult and more experienced, he became a great night hunter and used his gifts to hunt demons and evils to keep the forest safe and keeping his contract with the leader of the night elves, so when he had tomes and scrolls of rituals too dangerous to stay in the capital she entrusted to Yoru to keep under his protection those scrolls and tomes that she considered dangerous to stay in the capital.

Some time later Yoru was faced with a young half-elf who always appeared in Kalimdor in an attempt to do something in the capital of Teldrassil, Yoru just watched from afar.


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

During the Legion's invasion of Azeroth, Yoru joined Illidan's newly freed Demon Hunters to defeat the Legion and defend Azeroth, eventually becoming The Slayer and leading Fel Hammer's Illidari during the Legion's invasion, during the war Yoru came across that half-elf that he always saw appearing in Kalimdor, his name was Jeon Moon and he had become the best priest of the Sisterhood of Elune, Jeon in the midst of battle healed the Alliance soldiers with so much beauty and grace which caught Yoru's attention which made him lose concentration and ended up hurting himself in an attack, Jeon quickly arrived to heal him and then they had their first interaction together.

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Burning of Teldrassil.

During the Burning of Teldrassil, Yoru helped Asyuna and Jeon Moon to evacuate the night elves from Darnassus, after Teldrassil was in ashes, Yoru gave comfort and shoulder friend to Jeon who suffered a lot for what had happened because he considers the night elves as his people and Teldrassil as his home, Yoru also joined the Night Elves to reclaim their lands that had been taken by the Horde, Yoru also joined the Alliance during the Battle for Azeroth.

Later Tyrande Whisperwind looked for him to ask for the ancestral kaldorei tome that would start the dangerous ritual of the Night Warrior, during the ritual in Darkshore, Yoru had great difficulties in being able to contain his powers that became more intense during the ritual, with the Black Moon hovering in the sky, both Tyrande, Yoru and the other Night Elves who were there almost succumbed to an uncontrollable rage, behold, a song known as Song of the Ancients made him regain consciousness and calmed him down, as well as all the elves there, after that he became convinced to try to find the person who saved him with the sacred song.


Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

During the events of Shadowlands, Yoru along with Jeon Moon were sent along with some leaders of the Alliance and Horde to the realms of death, there they helped the 4 realms of the afterlife and would support Asyuna Nightwind in Ardenweald, Jeon and Yoru if got pretty close during their adventures in Shadowlands.

During the campaign in Ardenweald Asyuna, Jeon and Yoru were working together with Shandris and Ysera to save Tyrande from the Night Warrior's fate, in that process Yoru discovered through Qadarin and Thiernax that they were natives of the same planet, later when the group tries to realize a ritual to save Tyrande, the ritual almost goes wrong but Jeon Moon manages to neutralize the effect of the ritual for a while by singing the sacred song Song of the ancients, it was then that Yoru found the person he was looking for so much and was grateful to have him saved one day and now once more, the Healer of the moon held on long enough until the Winter Queen arrived and managed to save Tyrande.


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Currently they are helping the nelfs to renew themselves and rebuild their capital.



generally keeps to herself unless he feels it is necessary to speak up. NightSlayer was represented by word/emotion: 孤独 (Solitude).


Patch changes

  • Future Patch |note=Updated for Demon Hunter class.
  • Legion Patch 7.3.5 (2018-01-16): Added (Rogue).