User:GoldenYak/Death General Guillotivus

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MobDeath General Guillotivus
No image available
Race Giant (Undead)
Level ?? Boss
Location Antechamber to the Necropolis , Necropolis of Nerub
Status Killable
Necropolis of Nerub

A giant of Northrend who was raised into undeath to serve as a death knight of the Scourge. He has joined forces with the Scourge Remnants invading the Necropolis of Nerub.

Dungeon Journal

The monstrous Guillotivus was trained the be the ultimate weapon of the Lich King's ground forces - a Northrend giant trained in the ways of the Death Knight. Selected from the mightiest storm giants brought down by the Scourge, he was raised into undeath and trained in a secret location deep within the mountains of Icecrown. The Lich King fell before his training was fully completed, and the brutal giant found himself in service of remnants of the Scourge led by the Lich Lord, Funeral. He was brought to the Necropolis of Nerub to act as commander of Funeral's ground forces.

Armored in terrifying, giant-sized plate forged from saronite and wielding a colossal rune blade, Guillotivus carved a swath through the nerubians defending their ancient dead, allowing the Scourge remnants to seize the necropolis. He now stands at the antechamber, defending his master against all comers.

Spells and Abilities

Guillotivus uses deadly disease based attacks to inflict damage on his victims. When a target suffers from a disease, it cannot be removed. If the duration expires or the disease is affected by a spell that normally removes diseases, it will simply cause the disease to Incubate. It will not deal damage, but can become active again under the right conditions. Guillotivus will begin the battle by switching to a random Runic Presence and summoning a pair of Crypt Fiends. Guillotivus will always cycle through his 3 different presences in the same order.

Guillotivus Abilities in all Presences

  • Spell deathvortex.png Outbreak  —  Causes all Incubating Diseases on the target to become active. The target will also become Contagious, and diseases will attempt to spread to any nearby targets for the next 10 seconds. Guillotivus will periodically cast this spell on a random target.
  • Spell deathknight classicon.png Obliterate  —  Deals a powerful blow to Guillotivus' current target. The target will take additional damage based on how many diseases they currently have active.
  • Inv sword 62.png Presence Change  —  Guillotivus will change to a different Runic Presence everytime he gains 100 Runic Power.
  • Spell shadow animatedead.png Resurrect Crypt Fiend  —  Guillotivus will use this to resurrect a slain Crypt Fiend will full health if it's fellow is not also slain within 10 seconds.
  • Ability hunter pet spider.png Raise Crypt Fiend  —  Cast when Guillotivus gains 100 Runic Power and there are no active Crypt Fiends. Summons a pair of Crypt Fiends, which will have different abilities based on his current presence. If there are any active Crypt Fiends, Guillotivus will cast an Ultimate Spell instead of this spell, based on his Runic Presence.

Guillotivus Abilities in Frost Presences

Any frost damage that players suffer will grant Guillotivus Runic Power.

  • Spell deathknight icetouch.png Frigid Grasp  —  Strikes several random targets with Icy Grip, which deals frost damage and inflicts them with Frost Fever.
    • Spell deathknight frostfever.png Frost Fever  —  Periodically deals frost damage, also slows attack and casting speed.
  • Spell frost arcticwinds.png Howling Blast  —  Sends a wave of freezing cold crashing at a random target, dealing frost damage to anything it strikes.
  • Spell deathknight pathoffrost.png Path of Frost  —  Patches of frost appear at Guillotivus' feet, slowing and dealing frost damage to anyone standing in them. If Guillotivus remains stationary, the patches will grow. The longer Guillotivus remains stationary, the more armor he gains. Causes incubating Frost Fever to become active.
    • Spell frost frostarmor02.png Frost Armor  —  Guillotivus gains armor the longer he remains standing in a patch of frost. Frozen Armor reduces all damage by 4%. Stacks to 99. Lasts for 15 seconds.
  • Ability deathknight remorselesswinters2.png Hungering Cold  —  Cast when Guillotivus has 100 Runic Power. Blasts all players in sight with major frost damage. All players have their movement speed reduced by 90%, gradually regaining movement speed over 10 seconds. Players afflicted by Frost Fever will be frozen in blocks of ice and take additional frost damage every second until they are broken free by allies. Ultimate spell.

Guillotivus Abilities in Unholy Presences

Every active Desecrated Skeleton will grant Guillotivus Runic Power.

  • Spell shadow shadowfiend.png Desecrated Ground  —  The ground underfoot heaves with undeath. Desecrated Skeletons periodically rise to attack random targets in melee. When skeletons die, they release a blast of Crypt Dust that strikes everything within 5 yards and causes incubating Ebon Plague to become active.
  • Spell deathknight strangulate.png Death Grip  —  Strikes several random targets, pulling them into the air and choking the life out of them. Deals shadow damage and stuns for 4 seconds.
  • Spell deathknight armyofthedead.png Army of the Dead  —  Cast when Guillotivus has 100 Runic Power. Guillotivus raises 10 Ghouls to attack random targets. Ghouls deal extra damage to those afflicted with Ebon Plague. Ultimate spell.

Guillotivus Abilities in Blood Presences

All physical damage dealt by any source will grant Guillotivus Runic Power.

  • Spell deathknight bloodboil.png Blood Boil  —  Causes damage to all players. Damage is increased for every disease they are suffering from.
  • Spell shadow soulleech.png Blood Worms  —  Blood worms periodically burst from Guillotivus' body and charge a random target, dealing them a small amount of physical damage and attaching themselves to the target's back.
  • Inv sword 07.png Dancing Rune Arsenal  —  Cast when Guillotivus has 100 Runic Power. Guillotivus conjures four Dancing Rune Axes, which move randomly while casting Whirlwind, dealing melee damage to anyone nearby and causing them to Bleed for additional periodic damage. Ultimate spell.

  • Frostwracked Crypt Fiends

Summoned when Guillotvius is in Frost Presence.

  • Spell deathknight icetouch.png Icy Grip  —  Blasts a nearby target with frost damage, and also inflicts them with Frost Fever.
  • Spell frost frostarmor02.png Frozen Armor  —  Cloaks the Crypt Fiend in thick ice, reducing the damage they take by 50%. Melee attackers will have their movement and attack speed reduced if they strike the Crypt Fiend. Removed at 50% health.

  • Desecrated Crypt Fiends

Summoned when Guillotvius is in Unholy Presence.

  • Ability creature cursed 03.png Plague Bolt  —  Blasts a nearby target for shadowblight damage, and also inflicts them with Ebon Plague, increasing all damage taken from magic and diseases.
  • Spell holy fistofjustice.png Might of the Grave  —  The Crypt Fiend draws power from other undead. Every active Desecrated Skeleton increases the Crypt Fiend's attack power and health.

  • Bloodsoaked Crypt Fiends

Summoned when Guillotvius is in Blood Presence.

  • Spell deathknight bloodplague.png Blood Plague  —  Infects a target with Blood Plague, which deals shadow damage over time.
  • Spell shadow lifedrain.png Vampiric Blood  —  A portion of the damage dealt by the Crypt Fiend will restore its health.

  • Blood Worm
  • Ability warrior focusedrage.png Seek Host  —  A blood worm will immediately charge a random target after spawning, attaching themselves to the target's back.
  • Spell shadow bloodboil.png Feasting on Blood  —  A blood worm will drain blood from it's host. The blood worm can be targeted and slain by other players. As it feasts, it deals periodic physical damage and gains a stacking buff, Bloated with Blood.
  • Spell shadow abominationexplosion.png Bloated with Blood  —  The blood worm is feasting on it's victim's blood, growing as it does and gaining a stack of Bloated with Blood every second. If it reaches 10 stacks, it will explode, dealing massive physical damage to the target and moderate physical damage to all targets within 15 yards. Any damage dealt will heal Guillotivus.


Death General Guillotivus begins the combat by switching into one of his three Runic Presences and summoning two Crypt Fiends. Guillotivus will use all the of the abilities available to him based on his presence, steadily building up Runic Power while doing so. If his Runic Power reaches 100, Guillotvius will attempt to cast an Ultimate Spell, again based on his presence. If his two Crypt Fiend allies are dead, he will forego casting an Ultimate and instead he will switch to a new Runic Presence and summon two new Crypt Fiends. If there are any Crypt Fiends alive when Guillotivus reaches 100 Runic Power, he will successfully cast his Ultimate and then switch to a new presence.

Heroic Difficulty Heroic Mode

  • Guillotivus will summon two pairs of Crypt Fiends instead of one. The second pair will consist of one Crypt Fiend of each type from whichever Runic Presences are currently not active.
  • Guillotivus' Incubating Diseases will stack every time Guillotvius switches a Runic Presence.


  • User:GoldenYak/Death Blocked - Defeat Death General Guillotivus without allowing him to cast an Ultimate Spell.


  • You puny pathetic things! I'll crush you like ants!
  • Crush you!
Frost Presence
  • Chill of the frozen north!
Unholy Presence
  • Wither and die, tiny mortals!
Blood Presence
  • I'll drink in your agony!
Killing a Player
  • Your death will fuel my might!
  • Your pain is sweet to me!
  • Obliterated!
  • Don't waste my time!
  • I never had the war I deserved...