User:GaroxxOfTheCabal/Garoxx Stonefist

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This article is a player character biography page for Garoxx of Lightninghoof US created by GaroxxOfTheCabal.

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HordeGaroxx Stonefist
Image of Garoxx Stonefist
Title Last Son of the Stonebreaker Clan, The Crimson Axe, The Fallen Hero of the Horde, The Reborn Champion, The Conqueror of Death
Gender Male
Race Orc (Undead)
Class Death Knight, formerly Warrior
Affiliation(s) Knights of the Ebon Blade
Argent Crusade
Argent Dawn
Ashen Verdict
Status Undead
Relative(s) Gorgoth Stonefist (father), Rysha Stonefist (mother), Mordred Stonefist (grandfather)
Alignment Lawful Neutral

General Garoxx Stonefist, the Last Son of the Stonebreaker Clan and Warlord of the Ebon Blade, is a death knight of the Horde.

The last known living link to the Stonebreaker clan (with the possible exception of his mother Rysha), which was all but wiped out during the Second and Third Wars, Garoxx was once a simple warrior of the reforged Horde, but after his death at the hands of Kel'Thuzad in Naxxramas and his subsequent resurrection into undeath and into the service of the Scourge as a death knight, he has since thrown off the shackles of the Lich King to become so much more than a mere warrior: he has risen as a leader, a hero, and a conqueror. After returning to the Horde, Garoxx fought the armies of the Burning Legion and Illidan Stormrage in Outland, but would not be satisfied until his now greatest enemy, the Lich King, was dead. Following the end of the Outland wars, Garoxx became one of the most important contributors to the Horde's war efforts against the Scourge in Northrend, eventually fighting his way to Icecrown Citadel itself, and ending the Lich King's domination over the frozen continent once and for all. After receiving the honor of being named one of the 12 Generals of Orgrimmar by Thrall himself, Garoxx planned to enter a quiet retirement in Nagrand following a brief two year campaign against the renegade Army of the Emerald Flame (a combined insurgency coalition of the surviving forces of the Shadow Council and the Illidari). But now, following the return of an ancient and long-forgotten foe and an event that reshapes the very face of Azeroth, Garoxx has been called into service once again to fight a new battle, one that could very well determine the fate of the universe.....

Early life

Born in the Lordamere Internment Camp sometime after the end of the Second War, Garoxx was the first (and only) son of Gorgoth Stonefist, Chieftain of the all-but-extinct Stonebreaker clan, and his mate Rysha. His name in orcish means "Axe of Stone". He spent nearly his entire childhood in the Internment camp before he came of age, at which time he was shipped to Durnholde Keep to be used as one of Aedelas Blackmoore's laborers (At that time, it was customary within the Internment system to send young orcs to work for Blackmoore when they came of age.)

Slave of Durnholde

Upon his "transfer" to Blackmoore's keep, Garoxx was placed into an internment lodge with three other orcs: Bragor Bloodfist (who would later become a captain of the Kor'kron Guard), Belgrom Rockmaul, and Kug Ironjaw. These four would become fast friends and vowed to watch each other's backs during their time in Durnholde.

They were able to maintain their dignity and stuck to their work in Durnholde under the eyes of Blackmoore. That is, until fate took a hand: Another orc, older than them, known as Kareth, had been placed in Durnholde Keep, in their lodge. Kareth had a reputation for being extremely violent and finding ways of escaping internment camps and trying to force the other orcs to revolt against the wardens. Garoxx soon grew wary of the new arrival.

However, Kareth seemed to have finally been rid of his berserker tendencies and worked alongside Garoxx and the other easily and without complaint.

This changed one night, however; Garoxx was roughly shaken awake by Kareth, who revealed he had smuggled gunpowder and a blasting fuse from Blackmoore's private weapon cache, and was intending to use them to destroy Durnholde Keep. Garoxx tried to talk Kareth out of his plan, stating that it was madness. Unnerved that Garoxx was refusing, Kareth mocked him, saying "he could sink no lower", that he was a "disgrace to his people and clan" and that he had become a "spineless coward with no honor." These words threw Garoxx into a rage, and he charged Kareth. This scuffle soon became a violent brawl.

The brawl woke up the other orcs and also alerted the wardens and Captain Skarloc, who soon alerted Lord Blackmoore himself to try and pacify the fighting orcs.

When Blackmoore arrived, the orcs and wardens alike had surrounded Garoxx and Kareth, in foolhardy attempts to stop it. In a whirlwind of fists, Garoxx stood up, seized Kareth around the waist, and bodyslammed him to the ground. After remaining on the ground for a moment more, Kareth stood up, a crazed look in his eyes, and began yelling incoherently before pulling out a large battle axe and began charging at Garoxx with it. Frightened at Kareth's insanity, Garoxx seized the rifle of a nearby warden and blasted three holes in Kareth's chest, creating a massive, bloody wound in the orc's chest, killing him instantly.

Realizing he'd just killed another orc with Blackmoore standing only 5 feet away, he feared the worst, but, to his complete surprise, Blackmoore commented that he was impressed with him and praised his ferocity, and thus offered him a place in the gladiatorial ring to avoid punishment, along with Bragor, Kug, and Belgrom. Garoxx, still surprised, accepted.

Life as a Gladiator

Aside from the center of the internment camp system, Durnholde Keep was also where all of the gladiatorial contests took place. Lord Blackmoore was the architect behind this, and so far, his most "successful" gladiator was an orc named Thrall, who was a few years older than Garoxx, but he was looking for other orcs to add to his strength, and to build his reputation for the "taming of the orcs". So Garoxx, Bragor, Kug, and Belgrom were recruited.

Garoxx's first gladiatorial contest was against a dwarf mercenary known as Ironheart. Ironheart put up a good fight, but in the end was defeated. Afterwards, Blackmoore claimed to be impressed and told him to "keep it up". After Garoxx's contest, Bragor, Kug, and Belgrom all won their contests as well, and Blackmoore was pleased with the lot of them. When the day ended, the gladiator trainer known as the Sergeant showed them to their "cell", which was an enlarged, reinforced steel holding where they would be staying from now on. It was the size of the lodge, but much less comforable.

That night, the four orcs met Thrall face-to-face for the first time. According to Blackmoore, he'd been undefeated in competition so far, but his competition wasn't very good so far. So Blackmoore had been pushing Thrall to work harder.

Thrall became friends with them and told them that they were brave for agreeing to become gladiators. He also gave them a warning: Blackmoore was a heavy drinker, and whenever he was drunk (which was 80% of the time; the night Garoxx fought with Kareth was one of the rare nights he was sober) he could be downright cruel and mean, but whenever he was sober, he was friendly and good to them. Garoxx and his friends took heed to Thrall's advice

Throughout their existance as Blackmoore's gladiators, Garoxx and his friends, surprisingly, did not run into any problems with Blackmoore. They fared particularly well as gladiators, with Garoxx's most notable victory against a powerful shredder operated by a well-known goblin merc.

However, one day in particular, "The Internment Four" (the nickname that Blackmore had given Garoxx, Bragor, Kug, and Belgrom) were unfortunate witnesses to something terrible: Thrall was savagely beaten to within an inch of his life by a drunken Blackmoore and a crowd of people who lost a lot of money when Thrall lost a contest. Thrall was beaten so savagely by Blackmoore and his crowd of hecklers that he eventually fell unconscious. Blackmoore, who finally seemed to be sobering up, and the crowd left, but Blackmoore issued a warning to the Internment Four: should they ever defy him as Thrall did, they would “meet the same fate”.

After Thrall was healed from his grievous wounds (not out of kindness, but so he could be well enough to fight once again), he confided in Garoxx, Kug, Bragor, and Belgrom that he had devised an elaborate plan to escape Durnholde, and told them about it. When Garoxx asked why Thrall had chosen to confide in them, he merely said it was because of their gladiatorial connection. Thrall also mentioned to them that once he left, they must not reveal it to anyone else and keep going as if everything was normal. The four orcs did just that, and Thrall escaped with a promise to return and free them.

For several months Garoxx and his friends continued fighting for Blackmoore…even though they began seeing less of the Lieutenant General. Often, when they did see him, he was drunk and was often tired and harassed. The Sergeant later informed them that Blackmoore was frantically searching for Thrall, but to no avail.

The four orcs continuned competing as normal, until one day: the day that Thrall came to rescue them, as promised. With him was the aged Warchief of the long-since disbanded Horde, Orgrim Doomhammer. Thrall would go on to kill Blackmoore and reduce Durnholde to rubble, and freed Garoxx and his friends. Thrall was on a mission: to restore glory to the Horde and re-establish it as the dominant force of Azeroth. Garoxx instantly embraced this vision and took up arms to see it fulfilled.

The New Horde

Thrall's army was growing larger every day, as they went from internment camp to internment camp. Each one met the same fate as Durnholde, falling to Thrall's battle prowess and shamanistic mastery of the elements. Through this, Garoxx was re-united with his mother and father, Gorgoth and Rysha Stonefist, and the few surviving members of the Stonebreaker Clan. It seemed that the growing Horde could not be stopped.

Unfortunately, as they closed in on the last camp (which the Horde would later transform into the small village of Hammerfall), Orgrim Doomhammer would fall in battle after a cowardly stab to the back. In his dying breaths, Orgrim passed the mantle of Warchief of the Horde to Thrall, giving him his black breastplate armor and his hammer, the Doomhammer.

After a few days in the Arathi Highlands, Thrall suddenly declared that they would find their destiny, not in Lordaeron, but in Kalimdor. Garoxx knew not of this land, but he trusted his Warchief. The clans begun assembling and Thrall constructed a base to give the Horde a place to stay. However, Grom Hellscream, who served as Thrall's right hand, turned out to have been captured by humans, and Thrall quickly stepped in to save him. Hellscream then got the idea, to steal the human ships so that they could leave the human lands forever. With the Horde assembled, they stole the ships, and left across the Great Sea to the forgotten lands of Kalimdor.

The Exodus to Kalimdor

However, on the way, the Horde's ships were beset by a fierce storm near the Maelstrom. In the chaos, many Stonebreaker orcs were killed, and Garoxx was injured himself. However, he was eventually rescued as Thrall got the Horde organized enough to take shelter on a small island. There they encountered the Darkspear tribe of jungle trolls, led by Sen'jin. The trolls were being held prisoner by murlocs, who planned to sacrafice them to the sea witch Zar'jira. Although the Orcs and trolls managed to escape, Sen'jin was killed. His son, Vol'jin, assumed leadership of the Darkspears and pledged them to the Horde.

However, the storm scattered the Horde's ships and many of those on board barely made it to the shores of Kalimdor alive, including even more of Garoxx's brothers within the Stonebreaker clan. Garoxx, his parents, and members of various other clans had been on the same ship with Thrall and his fellow advisors Nazgrel, Eitrigg, and the half-breed Rexxar. Thrall gathered them and wandered the coast, collecting the orcs and trolls he came across as he did. But Grom could not be found. This new land held many strange new creatures, but the most brutal were the centaurs, particularly in their treatment of the tauren. After helping the tauren fight off the centaurs, they were greeted by Cairne Bloodhoof, the Bloodhoof chieftain, who thanked them for fighting off the centaurs. Thrall returned their graciousness and allowed them into the Horde.

When they arrived at the base of Stonetalon Peak, he was shocked to find Grom Hellscream and the Warsong clan battling humans under the command of Jaina Proudmoore. They soon learned that Grom was succumbing to the hundred-year-old blood haze that had plagued the orcish race since the orc clans first drank from Mannoroth's blood. As Garoxx looked on, Thrall managed to pacify Grom long enough in order to tell them that they were to find Mannoroth and kill him to end the Blood Curse. They eventually found the pit lord in a canyon in Ashenvale. Thrall put an initial assault against Mannoroth, but was subdued quickly, and would have been killed, had Grom not gathered his strength and made a devastating blow against Mannoroth, shattering his plate and driving his axe deep into his belly. This was enough to kill the pit lord, but as Mannoroth died explosive energies burst forth from his body and hit Grom at point blank range. The chieftain of the Warsong clan was mortally wounded. As the demonic, red haze lifted from the eyes of Grom Hellscream and his clan mates, Grom was told that he had freed himself. Thrall approached Grom telling to him that he had freed not just him, but all the orcs from demonic corruption.

Battle for Mount Hyjal

As the Horde continued its trek through the wilds of Kalimdor, a mysterious prophet appeared to them. This prophet was Medivh, the Last Guardian of Tirisfal, and he told Thrall to bring Jaina Proudmoore to a grove at the base of Mount Hyjal. There, he met the leaders of the night elves, Tyrande Whisperwind and Malfurion Stormrage. They were surprised at finding each other there, until Medivh appeared once more. He convinced them that they must all ally against the Burning Legion or they would surely and quickly be defeated. Garoxx pleaded to the Warchief to follow through, for the good of Azeroth. Thrall reluctantly agreed, and, hough uneasy, Tyrande and Malfurion agreed as well, and they all allied against Archimonde and his plethora of demonic and undead followers.

All the allied races collectively defended Nordrassil and Mount Hyjal with three fortified settlements going up the mountain, Thrall's base having orcs, Darkspear trolls, tauren and goblins, everyone doing their best to slow Archimonde's ascend until the night elves' trap was prepared. Garoxx and his father Gorgoth each led garrisons of orc warriors against the Legion's forces, and they rushed to meet the enemy. But in the ensuing chaos, more Stonebreakers were killed, including Garoxx's father, Gorgoth, the chieftain of the clan. Over the course of the battle, the Stonebreaker clan had been almost compleatly wiped out, save for Garoxx and his mother. But slowly, the tides turned.

As Archimonde made his way up the mountain towards Thrall's base, he taunted Thrall by saying that his race wasn't worth bothering with and that the orcs were weak. Thrall replied that their spirit is strong and if they are to be defeated at least they are free, and struck out, attacking Archimonde and hurting him a little with a [Chain Lightning], before Jaina teleported him away. After a great battle Archimonde was finally destroyed and the Burning Legion was defeated.

The Founding of Orgrimmar

After returning from the Battle of Mount Hyjal, Thrall led the Horde back into The Barrens, carving out a section of the land exclusively for the Horde. He named it Durotar, after his deceased father Durotan, and founded the warrior city of Orgrimmar, which would serve as not just the capital of the orcish race, but as the capital of the entire Horde, which would include the Darkspear Trolls (who would settle on a cluster of islands just off the southern coast of Durotar), the Tauren tribes, united under Cairne Bloodhoof (who settled in Mulgore after defeating the Centaurs), and the Forsaken Undead of Lordaeron, and later the Blood Elves of Silvermoon and Goblins of the Bilgewater Cartel.

While Orgrimmar was being contructed, Garoxx stayed in the Valley of Trials, where his mother had relocated to train aspiring shamans, until Orgrimmar was complete, and he immidiately relocated to the Horde capital.

Warrior of the Horde

Garoxx embraced the Horde and decided to stay in Orgrimmar to hone his skills as a warrior. He spent countless months in the gladiatorial ring, as a pitfighter to strenghten his endurance, while practicing his weapon handling skills with axes and swords alike. On many days he was observed by Thrall himself as well as Nazgrel, Eitrigg, Rexxar, Rehgar Earthfury, Cairne Bloodhoof, and Vol'jin. These leaders of the Horde soon became mentors to Garoxx, as they had for many other aspiring warriors. Over time, Garoxx’s battle prowess became refined and exceptional. Garoxx continued to hone his craft for the next four years.

Warchief’s Blessing

Not long after Garoxx completed his training, conflicts with the Alliance began arising again, as well as various others against various forces, including those of the Scourge, the Black Dragonflight, and various Burning Legion and Old God cults. Garoxx solidly commited himself to defending the Horde from these threats and enlisted in the Horde’s military, earning the rank of Stone Guard.

Soon after enlisting in the military, Garoxx was called before the Warchief. It was his time to receive the Warchief’s Blessing. This was a ceremony signifying an orc’s rite of passage into true warrior-hood. And for Garoxx, Thrall had arranged also for the ceremony to include Garoxx’s honorary acceptance into the Frostwolf and Warsong clans, since the Stonebreaker clan had been killed off. After the ceremony, Garoxx vowed to protect the Horde more than ever, and did so, participating in countless battles against the Alliance on distant battlefields, as well as fighting the minions of the Scourge, the Legion, the Black Dragonflight, and Old Gods.

The Second Scourge Invasion

When the second Scourge Invasion hit Azeroth, Garoxx was still a Stone Guard, but was making his own way in the Horde military. He had fought the Scourge before in the Eastern Plaguelands, but these Scourge that came with the invasion were much more powerful.

When the Scourge launched its first invasion on Azeroth, it's main target was the Eastern Kingdoms, which were primarily controlled by the Alliance. This did not affect the Horde, and the Forsaken, staunch enemies of the Scourge, were able to get the situation under control for the Horde.

This time, however, undead invaders erupted all over Azeroth, even in Horde territories throughout Kalimdor; necropoli were sprouting up in the skies all across Azeroth. Even the mighty gates of Orgrimmar were breached as plagued shipments of grain turned the city's denizens into ghouls.

In time, Garoxx was called before Thrall, who made a tremendous offer to him: to lead an army of the Horde's finest warriors, known as the Army of Orgrimmar, into Naxxramas itself to end the Scourge's threat to the Horde once and for all. This army would be ten-thousand strong of the Horde's finest warriors and would have the single-minded goal of the defeat of the archlich Kel'Thuzad and the final destruction of the Scourge's Azerothian capital. Garoxx eagerly accepted, and as soon as the Army was assembled, they set off for the Plaguelands.

The Assault on Naxxramas

Soon enough, The Army arrived in the Eastern Plaguelands, but it seemed that the Scourge had realized their intentions, because waves of Scourge reinforcements attempted to halt the invading army's oncoming advance. Even reinforcements from Stratholme surged in to meet them. But these weaker undead foes could not fell Garoxx and the mighty Army of Orgrimmar. And in no time at all, the found the ziggurat-entrance to Naxxramas and zoned into the Great Necropolis.

They first arrived in the Abomination Wing, which was, as the name suggested, filled with abominations, and the mad scientists employed by the Scourge to other vile construct-like creatures to serve the Lich King. After fighting their way through various vile creatures, the Army came upon the first of many challenges they would encounter in the Necropolis: Patchwerk, an abomination that served as Kel'Thuzad's "Avatar of War".

Patchwerk put up a tough fight, using hateful strikes on Garoxx, all while shooting blots of slime at the Army, but the legion of Horde warriors was too strong for it. As a last resort, Patchwerk went into a furious rage near his death in order to finish off the Army, but evem then it could not prevail, and the mighty abomination was felled by the Army of Orgrimmar.

Their next foe was the flesh giant Grobbulus, who reminded Garoxx of a Mo'arg demon of the Burning Legion, except larger and much more gruesome. Grobbulus had more abilities than Patchwerk, and thus proved to be a longer and more arduous fight than Patchwerk. Grobbulus emitted poison clouds, fired slime at the Army, and injected several warriors with a mutagen so damaging that some succumed and died. But, in the end, Garoxx avenged the fallen when Grobbulus fell dead.

After destroying Grobbulus again, Garoxx and the Army of Orgrimmar continued on deeper into the Abomination Wing, walking into a toxic waste pipe until they entered the lair of Gluth, the "plague dog" who feasted on zombies unworthy of service in the Lich King's legions. Keeping Gluth away from his meal in order to keep him from regenerating, the Army endured his rage until they finally destroyed him.

Throughout Naxxramas, Garoxx had heard echoing screams in throughout the Abomination Wing. Finally, he came face to face with their source in the wing's last hall: Thaddius, a massive flesh titan said to have been stitched together with the bodies of women and children, their souls bound into his electrically charged prison. He was kept inanimate by two wights, Feugen and Stalagg, who also fed zombies to Gluth. Splitting into two groups, the Army attacked both in unison, making sure they both died before freeing Thaddius. Their deaths overloaded the Tesla coils keeping Thaddius immobile, and the creature came to life. The polarity shifts proved to be the most difficult part for Garoxx - seriously wounded by a positive and negative charge intersecting, and killing several more Army members - but in the end, Thaddius was destroyed, the souls within him freed. Beyond the now empty Abomination Wing lay the Plague Wing.

The Plague Wing was where the Scourge's necromancers concocted the Plague of Undeath that now poisoned the entire Lordaeron region. And it was here that the vile servants of Kel'Thuzad responsible for that plague resided, including Noth the Plaguebringer, the necromancer who would go on to aid in the creation of the legions of Acherus - the precursor to the Knights of the Ebon Blade. Garoxx resolved to destroy him - and fittingly, he was the first that the Army encountered. Fighting through legions of his skeletal warriors and magi as he unleashed them upon his comrades, Garoxx - empowered by the elements and fighting for the glory of the Horde - destroyed the Plaguebringer and avenged the fallen members of the Horde.

Next came Heigan the Unclean, the monster behind the plague cauldrons seen all across northern Lordaeron - and, Garoxx had heard, was also a "dance master". Entering Heigan's sanctum himself and falling early to the necromancer's traps, Garoxx could see why. His comrades referred to the efforts to circumvent those traps as the "Safety Dance". Though Garoxx had been seriously wounded by a sheet of ooze that came up from the cracks in the floor, Heigan was destroyed. After being brought back to health, they continued into the plague-hazed quarter until they entered the lair of Loatheb - a gigantic fungal monster. Absorbing the power of his spores for themselves, the Army destroyed the creature without incident.

After the Plague Wing came the Spider Wing. In addition to containing legions of spiders and undead nerubians (as its name implies), the area was the main gathering of the Cult of the Damned in Naxxramas.

Their first opponent was the crypt lord Anub'Rekhan, who would prove to be one of their most difficult encounters they had fought against thus far. Anub'Rekhan made attempts to impale them, summoned crypt guards and corpse scarabs to aid him, and sent swards of locusts at them. But eventually, Anub'Rekhan was killed.

Deeper inside the quarter were the quarters of the Cult of the Damned in Naxxramas, led by the Grand Widow Faerlina, a vile warlock who now bred the spiders fount in the Spider Wing. She was one of Kel'Thuzad's lieutenants in the Cult and maintained a small army of cultists in the halls where she bred huge spiders for the Scourge. Targeting the crazed cultists first, Garoxx made short work of them, even though they tried to infect him and the Army with the Plague. After the cultists were killed, Faerlina entered the fray. She, however, did not last long againt the large army, and fell as well. Now, only the lair of Maexxna awaited....

Maexxna was the spider broodmother and made life extremely difficult for the Army of Orgrimmar, even eating several Horde warriors. Enraged at seeing his fellow warriors being eaten, Garoxx took the fight to Maexxna. Just as Maexxna was near death, she splattered Garoxx with powerful webbing that adhered him to a nearby wall. The creature fell dead shortly thereafter. With both caretaker and broodmother dead, Naxxramas' spider breeding programs crashed to a halt. The Death Knight Wing was all that stood between the Army of Orgrimmar and Kel'Thuzad's inner sanctum.....

The Death Knight Wing, also known as the Military Quarter, the death knight training center inside Naxxramas, and was the home of none other than the feared Instructor Razuvious, who had trained the death knights in the art of runeblade combat, and was feared and renowned throughout Azeroth.

After battling through several groups of Razuvious-trained death knights, they came into the Instructor's hall where he was working with two death knight understudies. In that room were two powerful crystals that could take control of their minds. Two came forward from the Army to manipulate those crystals and turn the understudies on Razuvious himself, maintaining his attention while the remainder of the Army moved in. The Instructor held nothing back, but neither did his attackers. Commenting that his was an honorable death, Razuvious fell to his own students - who were then killed by Garoxx and his comrades.

In a hall just outside the outer ring of the quarter was Gothik the Harvester, another necromancer who trained death knights to use their necromatic powers. The Army was split in two - one group remained in the entry room, while Garoxx led the other group near the locked gate that led to the chamber of the Four Horsemen. The gate separating the two rooms closed and locked, leaving each side to deal with their own problems; the first group fought off living enemies, while their spirits were pushed into the room with Garoxx's group and raised from the piles of bones. Finally, after several minutes, Gothik himself entered the fray, teleporting between the two cells until the gate opened, and both parties converged on him and finally destroyed him.

Now the army were faced with four of Kel'Thuzad's chief lieutenants: the four death knight champions of Naxxramas, collectively known as the "Four Horsemen": Sir Zeliek, Lady Blaumeaux, Thane Korth'azz, and the Ashbringer himself, Highlord Alexandros Mograine. Garoxx was shocked to learned that Mograine still possessed his legendary sword, corrupted with dark magic....

Once the Army charged in, Garoxx first faced Sir Zeliek in a duel to maintain his attention - otherwise, his incredible powers over the Light would be used to wipe out the remainder of the group, which was busy maintaining the attentions of both Mograine and Korth'azz on the other end of the room. Trading off with a fellow warrior who kept the attentions of Lady Blaumeux (in order to preserve his life and shake off the marks left on him by Zeliek), Saavedro played the back-and-forth game of keeping their attentions as the others died. Korth'azz fell first, followed by Zeliek and Blaumeux, leaving Mograine as the last one standing. Mograine charged in and attempted to harness the Corrputed Ashbringer's energires, but Garoxx also charged in and, in a clash of steel, Garoxx's axe  [Serathil] clashed with the legendary sword, and Mograine fell.

Fall of the Last Stonebreaker

With the the four outer wings of Naxxramas in dissaray, the Army prepared to move in on Kel'Thuzad's inner sanctum; Garoxx was relishing the chance to kill the archlich and end the Scourge's threat to the Horde once and for all.

Guarding the entrance was a special "gift" that the Lich King had given to Kel'Thuzad: Sapphiron, a frost wyrm formerly a dragon of the blue flight that has been raised by the Lich King himself when he first arrived in Northrend. Assembling as if out of thin air, Sapphiron proved to be the greatest obstacle to the conquest of Naxxramas - and he guarded the way to Kel'Thuzad. Weapons and spells ready, Garoxx and his allies charged in, facing the power of the blue dragonflight combined with the might of the Scourge all in one package. After a long, bloody battle, he was defeated, and the icy barrier that blocked the entrance to Kel'Thuzad's throne room shattered, opening the way for the final battle.

Kel'Thuzad loomed over the Army, smiling as if he was waiting for them. Garoxx boldly claimed that Kel'Thuzad's time was up, and the Horde had arrived to exact justice on him. However, Kel'Thuzad just laughed. As Garoxx ordered the Army to move in. Kel'Thuzad did something astonishing, and turned the tables on them: a mass resurrection of almost every foe they had faced in Naxxramas thus far, and further empowered them with Unholy Might. Kel'Thuzad ordered them all to converge on the Army. A battle soon erupted.

It was impossible odds, and soon the Army was becoming too overpowered. In an hour alone, the formerly ten-thousand strong army had been whittled down to 120. But, mid-battle, Garoxx came up with a new strategy and gathered up the warlocks and shamans of the Army and ordered them to call upon the demons and spirits alike. The warlocks opened up a massive portal to the Twisting Nether to summon up a massive army of demons and the shamans called upon the spirits of nature to combat the undead menace. Slowly the odds fell back into th Army's favor. But Kel'Thuzad quickly remedied this, calling on reinforcements from Icecrown itself. Now, even the reinforcements that had been summoned by the warlocks and shamans were abolished by the undead menace, and soon, the rest of the Army with it. Also, in a cruel show of dominance, Kel'Thuzad began raising the dead corpses of the fallen Horde warriors. Soon enough, Garoxx was the last one standing.

As the Army of the Dead converged on him, Kel'Thuzad called for them to halt their advance. As Garoxx looked on, confused, the archlich actually commeded him for his ferocity and fighting spirit, saying he "always recognizes an honourable warrior." To this end, Kel'Thuzad made an interesting offer to Garoxx: if he laid down his arms and admitted defeat, he allow Garoxx to leave Naxxramas unscathed. This was a tempting offer, and Garoxx almost took it, but before he did, he had a strange premonition: a vision of Orgrimmar up in flames, the Lich King commanding his legions to attack, the mighty denizens being transformed into the Mindless Undead.....and another vision of Thrall being cornered by the Lich King himself within Grommash Hold; Frostmourne fell through the air and felled the mighty Warchief.....

After this vision, Garoxx regained his resolve and knew he could never surrender, and boldly declared this to the archlich; he knew that, if he was to die, he would take Kel'Thuzad with him. So he called on the spirits of his fallen breatheren, and, to his surprise, they answered. Empowered by the spirits of the fallen, Garoxx charged at the archlich, axe raised, prepared to end him once and for all, for the fallen, for the Horde.....

But even the spirits could not help Garoxx. As soon as he reached Kel'Thuzad, the great archlich blasted Garoxx with an enhanced death and decay spell, sapping Garoxx's entire lifeforce. The mighty orc warrior crumpled to a heap at Kel'Thuzad's feet. As Garoxx lay dying, Kel'Thuzad mocked and insulted him, his cold, high laughter ringing in Garoxx's ears. Despair and hopelessness filled Garoxx as his life dwindled out of him. After a minute or more, Garoxx Stonefist, the last surviving member of the Stonebreaker Clan, was dead.

But Kel'Thuzad would be remiss to let such talent go to waste. Instead of disposing of the orc's corpse, he was going to turn it over to the Lich King, aboard Acherus, to mold Garoxx into a lethal weapon of destruction for the Scourge: the new Death Knight Champion of Acherus. Kel'Thuzad contacted his master and confirmed this. Intrigued, the Lich King agreed. So Kel'Thuzad froze Garoxx's corpse in stasis and transported it to the Death Knight Wing, where he charged the reborn Four Horsemen to guard his corpse.

However, 1 month before Acherus was scheduled to arrive in the Plaguelands, an Alliance army invaded Naxxramas and accomplished what the Army of Orgrimmar could not: the defeat of Kel'Thuzad, and the recovery of his psylachtry, which was delivered to Inigo Montoy, a priest of the Brotherhood of the Light. However, Montoy lusted for power, and eventually gave himself over to the Cult of the Damned. Seeking immortality, Montoy discreetly travelled to Naxxramas on the day before Acherus was to arrive and performed the ritual needed to resurrect Kel'Thuzad.

As a reward, Kel'Thuzad granted Montoy immortality by transforming him into a fellow lich; Montoy's previous identity was shattered....he was now known as Thel'zan the Duskbringer. Kel'Thuzad charged Thel'zan to watch over Naxxramas in Northrend until he arrived.

On the day that Acherus was to arrived, Kel'Thuzad gathered an entourage of his chief lieutenants (that were to be on loan to Acherus for the Lich King to use for his planned attack on the Scarlet Enclave), gathered Garoxx's body, mounted Sapphiron, transported Naxxramas to Northrend, and flew off to meet Acherus.

When Kel'Thuzad and his entourage arrived, Acherus was already waiting for them, with the Lich King waiting as well. Kel'Thuzad delivered Garoxx's body to his master, and the Lich King thanked him for his work. Kel'Thuzad accepted the praise and transported to Northrend. The Lich King ordered Garoxx's body to be taken to the top tier of Acherus for resurrection.

It was within the Ebon Hold, in the skies above the Scarlet Enclave, that Garoxx's destiny would be made.....

  • List of In-Game Information

  • In The Scarlet Enclave
  • Freed From Death's Shackles
  • Serving the Horde in Outland
  • Against Illidan and the Legion
  • Against the Scourge
  • War in Icecrown
  • The Cataclysm