User:Cemotucu/Theramore Isle

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AllianceTheramore Isle
Type City
Leader(s) IconSmall Jaina.gifLady Jaina Proudmoore
Government Monarchy
Race(s) HumanHuman Human
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
High elfHigh elf High elf
Night elfNight elf Night elf
GnomeGnome Gnome
Language(s) Common, Thalassian, Dwarven, Darnassian, Gnomish
Affiliation(s) Kingdom of Theramore (Alliance)
Location Eastern Dustwallow Marsh
Status Destroyed

Done Inn          Done Mailbox

Done Stables

Done Anvil & Forge

Done Bank       Undone.gif Auctions
Trainers Done Class
Done Profession
Travel Done Flight Master(s)
Done Mass-transit
Done Portal(s)
Sources: World of Warcraft
"Theramore" redirects here. For the fallen kingdom, see Theramore (kingdom).

Theramore Isle (a.k.a. Theramore Keep[1] or simply Theramore[2]) was human city[3] located in a rocky island east of Dustwallow Marsh, and was the capital of kingdom of the same name. Before its destruction, it was considered the Alliance's most martial presence in Kalimdor[4].

The importance of Theramore was emphasized in-game by the fact that many class trainers resided here. A mage with sufficient skill can even use teleport and open portals into this city.


Originally a martial city [5], Theramore was founded by Jaina Proudmoore briefly after the Third War[6] as the new home of the refugees of Lordaeron in Kalimdor[7]. A few months after its founding, the city was taken by its ruler's father, Daelin Proudmoore, as part of his genocidal campaign against the newborn orc nation of Durotar. It's not clear if the city was taken by force or if the citizens accepted Daelin's rule. Finally, the Horde stormed the city and killed the Admiral, sparing the rest.

Two years after that, Theramore was considered as fine a city to be seen in human lands [8], even when its civilian dwellers knew it was an strategic position [9]. A rush of people of the Eastern Kingdoms came to Kalimdor in order to provide services for the humans who lived under the Lady [10].

By the year 25, the city had a seafaring connection with the dwarven-human port of Menethil Harbor, in the Wetlands. A peace summit between the Warchief of the Horde and the King of Stormwind was to take place in the port city , but it was canceled due to the King's dissapearence. A second summit took place little more than a year after, but the Twilight Hammer's machinations forcibly ended the talks, with both sides blaming each other of treachery [11].

Theramore Isle was one of the cities attacked by the Lich King during the Scourge Invasion that heralded the War against the Lich King [12]. Shortly after that, the isle was attacked by a Faceless One and four powerful elementals, sent by the ogre Cho'gall respectively [13].

During the Shattering, Theramore Keep suffered the elemental unrest and was partially flooded [14]. When the Cataclysm finally hit, several buildings were damaged, but the city was later rebuilt [15] and expanded to serve as the start point of the human forces in Kalimdor during the scalating tensions between the Horde and the Alliance.

Shortly before the discovery of Pandaria, Theramore Isle was going to be invaded by the Horde after the fall of Northwatch Hold. The Alliance and two neutral factions sent troops to protect the Keep. The civilians were given the choice to leave or fight for their home [16]. Ultimately, the city was destroyed when the invaders detonated the greatest mana bomb ever made [17]. Everyone in the isle at the moment of the explosion died [18].


The city was made up of a roughly rectangular wall encircling most of the isle perimeter, save the harbor, which was protected by two watch towers. An inner fortification known as the Citadel [19] was composed of a wall encircling Jaina's Tower in the center of the isle. The rest of the buildings surrounded this complex.

Foothold Citadel (also known as the Guard Quarters [20]) was the city's military center. People trained at its doors: the guards against practice dummies and the young recruis against each other [21]. There were always priest watching carefully, ready to call upon the Light for healing the instant anyone was injured [22]. Daelin Proudmoore died in battle in this keep [23].

Many merchants and their families dwelt in Theramore's Inn [24]. Built on a slight hill, it was a perfect place to sit by a fire, enjoying a brew and a conversation [25].

Jaina's Tower was Theramore's tallest structure [26]. The building had wooden floors on its many stories [27], which were connected by long, winding stairs [28]. It had many rooms, including Jaina's private quarters (which probably housed dozens of books [29]), her extensive library (which housed hundreds of books [30]) and Theramore's little throne room [31](which had a window with a view [32]). There was a magically concealed secret entrance to the tower. With walls warded with all kind of protective magics, it was a solid fortress against such attacks [33][34].

The cobblestone streets that formed a lattice amid the buildings of Theramore were designed to provide reinforced ground for people, mounts, and wheeled conveyances to travel without risking getting mired in the swampy ground the city had been built on. Most people walked on them rather than the muck and grass on either side.[35]


  1. ^ World of Warcraft: The Comic
  2. ^ The Shattering - It did not distress her unduly; living in Theramore, she was well accustomed to such damp weather.
  3. ^ Cycle of Hatred - “I rule Theramore, the human city on this continent.”
  4. ^ Tides of War - “We are the most martial Alliance presence on the continent,[...]“
  5. ^ Tides of War - “Theramore was originally a martial city.[...]“
  6. ^ Cycle of Hatred - In truth, she had given little thought to the world beyond Kalimdor, busy as she had been with fighting the demons and then building Theramore.
  7. ^ Cycle of Hatred - After that, when the humans built Theramore as their new home on Kalimdor, Jaina had thought that things would calm down.
  8. ^ Cycle of Hatred - “Theramore is as fine a city as you will see in human lands.” The soldier spoke the words with a defensive pride, only to continue in a more resigned tone.
  9. ^ Tides of War - “[...]Those who choose to dwell here know its strategic position.[...]“
  10. ^ Cycle of Hatred - So he came to Kalimdor, following the rush of people hoping to provide services for the humans who lived there under Lady Proudmoore.
  11. ^ The Comic Volume 3
  12. ^ The Comic Volume 3
  13. ^ The Comic Volume 4
  14. ^ The Shattering - ”Flooding,” Jaina replied succinctly.
  15. ^ Tides of War - ”[...]The Cataclysm damaged the city, but we rebuilt with a will.”
  16. ^ Tides of War - ”Shortly after the arrival of the 7th fleet, Jaina had insisted that one ship, the Starsword, be dispatched to bear the civilians of the city who wished to leave to safety. All of the children went aboard, and many of their families. Others chose to stay. It was their home; they loved it as Jaina did and wanted to defend it.”
  17. ^ Tides of War - “It’s powering the biggest mana bomb that’s ever been made.”
  18. ^ Tides of War - “You, I, and a handful of night elven Sentinels are the only ones who can give voice to the slaughter at Theramore.”
  19. ^ The Shattering - Eventually Anduin was fairly certain that the citadel, the guard quarters, and the inn housed everyone who lived in Theramore.
  20. ^ The Shattering - Eventually Anduin was fairly certain that the citadel, the guard quarters, and the inn housed everyone who lived in Theramore.
  21. ^ Tides of War
  22. ^ Tides of War
  23. ^ Wolfheart - His obsession with the orcs had led to his untimely death in battle against the half-breed Rexxar during the storming of Theramore’s keep.
  24. ^ Tides of War
  25. ^ Tides of War
  26. ^ Cycle of Hatred - [...]her chambers on the top floor of the largest of the castles that made up the tallest structures in Theramore.
  27. ^ The Shattering
  28. ^ Tides of War - They descended the long, winding stairs of Jaina’s tower and stepped out into a surprisingly sunny day.
  29. ^ Tides of War - [...]her parlor, which probably only housed dozens.
  30. ^ Tides of War - [...]the library, which of course housed hundreds of books,[...]
  31. ^ Cycle of Hatred - She did most of the work of state here, in this small room with its desk and thousands of scrolls, rather than in the throne room, an ostentatious title for a like space.
  32. ^ Cycle of Hatred - Something else the throne room had that the chambers didn’t was a window with a view.
  33. ^ Tides of War - “The walls of this tower are steeped in magic.“
  34. ^ Tides of War - The tower had been warded with all kinds of protective magics. It was a solid fortress against such attacks.
  35. ^ Cycle of Hatred

(Unfinished) (Working on it)