User:Armen80721/Tol'vir/Kingdom of the Forsaken

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HordeKingdom of the Forsaken
Main leader IconSmall Sylvanas.gif Queen Sylvanas Windrunner
Secondary leaders IconSmall Nathrezim.gif Varimathras
IconSmall Putress.gif Grand Apothecary Putress
IconSmall Nathanos.gif Nathanos Marris
IconSmall UndeadGalen.gif Prince Galen Trollbane
IconSmall Undead Male.gif Grand Admiral Daelin Proudmoore
IconSmall Undead Male.gif Price Aliden Perenolde
IconSmall Undead Male.gif Grand Marshal Garithos
Membership Cult of the Forgotten Shadow
Royal Apothecary Society
Kingdom of Alterac
Kingdom of Stromgarde

ForsakenForsaken Forsaken
IconSmall Nathrezim.gifIconSmall Dreadlord.gif Nathrezim
Undead elfUndead elf Undead elf

Leper gnomeLeper gnome Leper gnome
IconSmall Lich Male.gifIconSmall Lich Female.gif Lich
IconSmall Ghoul.gifIconSmall NorthrendGhoul.gif Ghoul
MurlocMurloc Murloc (controlled)
OgreOgre Ogre (controlled)
HumanHuman Human (controlled)
IconSmall Banshee.gif Banshee
IconSmall Abomination.gif Abomination
IconSmall Val'kyr.gif Val'kyr

IconSmall Wraith.gif Wraith
Capital Undercity
Other major settlements Andorhal, Tarren Mill, Brill, Alterac City, Stromgarde Keep
Affiliation Horde
Status Active
Tabard Undercity Tabard.jpg

The Kingdom of the Forsaken (also called Kingdom of Forsaken Lordaeron) is a undead kingdom, nation and country on the northern continent of the Eastern Kingdoms, Lordaeron - with its capital at Undercity. After gaining their free-will and winning the civil war, the Forsaken successfully captured the Capital City and renamed it as Undercity. The Kingdom is ruled by the Banshee Queen Sylvanas Windrunner. Moreover, the Banshee Queen is aided by the dreadlord Varimathras, Grand Marshal Garithos, Grand Apothecary Putress, Nathanos Marris, Prince Galen Trollbane of Stormgarde, [Aliden Perenolde|Price Aliden Perenolde]] of Atlerac and Grand Admiral Daelin Proudmoore of Kul Tiras in governing the kingdom.

The Forsaken control all of the Eastern Plaguelands, the Western Plaguelands, the Tirisfal Glades, the Hillsbrad Foothills, the Silverpine Forest, the Ruins of Gilneas, the islands of Kul Tiras and the Arathi Highlands


Civil War in the Plaguelands

Ner'zhul, the Lich King, knew that his time was short. Imprisoned within the Frozen Throne, he suspected that Kil'jaeden would send his agents to destroy him. The damage caused by Illidan's spell had ruptured the Frozen Throne; thus, the Lich King was losing his power daily. Desperate to save himself, he called his greatest mortal servant to his side: the death knight Prince Arthas.

Though his powers were drained by the Lich King's weakness, Arthas had been involved in a civil war in Lordaeron. Half of the standing undead forces, led by the banshee Sylvanas Windrunner, staged a coup for control over the undead empire. Arthas, called by the Lich King, was forced to leave the Scourge in the hands of his lieutenant, Kel'Thuzad, as the war escalated throughout the Plaguelands.

Ultimately, Sylvanas and her rebel undead (known as the Forsaken) claimed the ruined capital city of Lordaeron as their own. Constructing their own bastion beneath the wrecked city, the Forsaken vowed to defeat the Scourge and drive Kel'Thuzad and his minions from the land.

Queen of the Forsaken

Arthas left for Northrend, having been summoned by the Lich King, and Kel'Thuzad went into hiding. Sylvanas and her sisters were freed, but Sylvanas was still troubled. Though free from Ner'zhul, she and the other free-willed loyalists remained monstrous abominations in appearance.

Her thoughts were interrupted as Varimathras arrived on the scene. The dreadlord invited the banshee to join him and his brothers in their new order. But Sylvanas was not so quick to relinquish what freedom she had just gained. She told him that her assistance was enough, and demanded to be left alone. Varimathras ominously warned that those who were not part of this new land would be cast aside, and that she had best not vex the new rulers of the Plaguelands. Sylvanas was adamant. As Varimathras departed, Sylvanas knew that an attack was imminent. But with only her banshees and some lesser undead to serve for her, Sylvanas was certain that she would soon fall. She needed to acquire an army.

Scouting the outer wilderness, Sylvanas found a plethora of creatures who would serve her well, and with her banshees at her disposal, they would have little choice in the matter. She sent out her banshees to possess Mug'thol the leader of the local ogres, the Bandit Lord Blackthorn, the gnoll ruler Snarlmane, and the Murloc Puddle Lord. Those she did not possess were killed. With so many new allies, Varimathras was quick to fall before her. But after she defeated him, Varimathras begged for his life, saying that he could serve her well. He knew his brothers' tactics, and where their bases were located. Sylvanas knew trusting such an insidious creature was a risk, but felt that she could control him enough for her purposes. With Varimathras' assistance, they moved against Detheroc's forces.

Detheroc had acquired a human puppet, Garithos, and his men, and was using them to protect himself. Sylvanas had his scouts possessed, and then infiltrated his base while their guard was down. As they slept, Sylvanas swept through the twin bases and slaughtered any before her. Though they eventually awoke and raised the alarm, it was too late. Sylvanas disabled the humans and ravaged Detheroc's forces, eventually coming to the dreadlord himself, and killing him swiftly. With the dreadlord dead, Garithos was freed from his mental control. Sylvanas saw him as arrogant and foolish, but felt that she could use him. She lied and promised to relinquish control of the Capital to him if he helped her kill Balnazzar.[20]

Garithos attacked from the rear entrance to the city as Sylvanas and Varimathras came from the front. As they moved into the city, Sylvanas found caches of items left by the Lordaeron royals, and used them to further the assault. Despite the dreadlord's demonic allies, his forces were destroyed, and, as a final test of loyalty, Sylvanas demanded that Varimathras kill Balnazzar. Varimathras froze, saying that it was forbidden for one Nathrezim to kill another. But she required Varimathras to prove his loyalty to her. Varimathras obeyed, and struck down Balnazzar.[21] However, whether by accident or design, Balnazzar survived, later re-emerging as a leader of the Scarlet Crusade. Varimathras was not so reluctant when Sylvanas ordered him to do the same to Garithos.[21]

With all their enemies dead, Sylvanas made a proclamation to Varimathras. They would rule the Plaguelands as the Forsaken, and would stake out their own destiny, where none would get in their way.[21]

Sylvanas quickly went about founding her new empire of undeath. Freeing many undead from the Lich King's dominion, and organizing them into a new nation of their own, Sylvanas attacked the royal catacombs beneath the ruins of Capital City - the Undercity - and took it over for the Forsaken. The Forsaken have since worked to complete Arthas' plans in the Undercity; extending its dungeons and tombs considerably to forge a functional capital for their own use.[22]