Under Down

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NeutralUnder Down
Start Glielle
End Glielle
Level 10-45
Category Skinning
Experience 14,800
Rewards Skinning Technique: Stormscale (Rank 2)
19g 40s
Previous N Skinning [10-45] Glielle


Obtain 20 Hippogryph Scales.


I can train you, though.

Everyone knows about the bright stormscales on the hippogryph's hindquarters, but did you know that they also have a few scales beneath their feathers? You just need to know where to look.

<The night elf spirit indicates a few places near the hippogryph's wing joints.>

Now go see if you can get some on your own.


You will learn the following: Skinning Technique: Stormscale (Rank 2)

You will also receive:

  • 19g 40s
  • 14,800 XP


Remember to check the entire beast, not just what's visible on the surface.


Looks like you've got the hang of it. Well done.


Patch changes

External links