The Emerald Nightmare: The Pestilential Hide of Nythendra

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NeutralThe Emerald Nightmare: The Pestilential Hide of Nythendra
Start Kondal Huntsworn
End Kondal Huntsworn
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Type Raid
Category Skinning
Experience 16,450
Rewards Skinning Technique: Felhide (Rank 3)
19g 40s
Previous N Skinning [45D] Darkheart Thicket: Demons Be Different


Obtain the Pestilential Hide of Nythendra.


There is one more demon hide to gather... but it isn't that of a demon. It's a dragon.

Nythendra, great green dragon, has nearly been eaten up by the Nightmare. Only a master skinner would be able to remove what bits of bug-eaten hide remain on her body.

Go on then, <name>. Show me what you've learned.


You will learn the following: Skinning Technique: Felhide (Rank 3)

You will also receive:

  • 19g 40s
  • 16,450 XP


Any luck with the dragon?


You have done it, <name>. You've earned the last of my knowledge.

Now get out there, and get skinning!


This quest can be completed on any difficulty, including Raid Finder, but the quest item will not drop if you have already killed Nythendra on that difficulty this week.


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