Scales for Ske'rit

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NeutralScales for Ske'rit
Start Kondal Huntsworn
End Ske'rit
Level 10-45
Category Skinning
Experience 14,800
Rewards 19g 40s
Previous N Skinning [10-45] Immaculate Stormscale
Next N Skinning [10-45R] Return to Karazhan: Scales of Legend, N Skinning [10-45D] Eye of Azshara: The Scales of Serpentrix


Find Ske'rit in Suramar.


Your skills surpass mine, <name>. I have never even SEEN a scale such as this... let alone remove one so expertly.

If you still wish to learn more, you will need to seek an even greater skinner than I. His name is Ske'rit, and he was once my student.

You will find him in the wild areas of Suramar.


You will receive:

  • 19g 40s
  • 14,800 XP


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