Ske'rit's Scale-Skinning Suggestions

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NeutralSke'rit's Scale-Skinning Suggestions
Start Ske'rit
End Kondal Huntsworn
Level 10-45
Category Skinning
Experience 14,800
Rewards Skinning Technique: Stormscale (Rank 3)
15g 40s
Previous N Skinning [10-45R] Return to Karazhan: Scales of Legend, N Skinning [10-45D] Eye of Azshara: The Scales of Serpentrix


Bring Ske'rit's Scale-Skinning Suggestions to Kondal Huntsworn in Dalaran.


Now dat I got all dese scales, I tink I know what I need to know.

<Ske'rit hands you a few pages of handwritten notes.>

Here's my latest findin's on stormscales. Bring 'em to Kondal, an' read through em' togethah.


You will learn the following: Skinning Technique: Stormscale (Rank 3)

You will also receive:

  • 19g 40s
  • 14,800 XP


You've been working together with Ske'rit? I should've known. You two are cut from the same hide.

Let's see what he has written here.


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