Felhide Sample (quest)

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NeutralFelhide Sample
Start  [Felhide Sample]
End Kondal Huntsworn
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Skinning
Experience 16,450
Rewards Skinning Technique: Felhide (Rank 1)
19g 40s
Next N Skinning [45] An Unseemly Task


Bring the Felhide Sample to Kondal Huntsworn in Dalaran.


This demonic hide is completely unlike any standard beast hide you are accustomed to.

Your skinning trainer in Dalaran would be interested in seeing this.


You will learn the following: Skinning Technique: Felhide (Rank 1)

You will also receive:

  • 19g 40s
  • 16,450 XP


I know very little about demonic hides, <name>. I prefer to stay away from them.

That said, I will share with you what I do know...


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