- For the Tanaan Jungle Horde faction, see Vol'jin's Headhunters. For the island expedition group, see Headhunters (island expedition).
Headhunters are spearmen specialized in tracking and hunting their opponents. Many headhunters are trolls, dexterous spearthrowers and experts at taking trophies on their fallen opponents. Through a combination of learning how to channel their rage and alchemical means, troll headhunters can become known as berserkers.
Third War
- Main article: Troll Headhunter (Warcraft III)
Though the Horde allied itself with the evil forest trolls during the Second War, the alliance was short lived due to the Horde’s eventual defeat. But Thrall, on one of his many journeys, befriended a tribe of shadowy trolls from the steamy jungles of Stranglethorn. These cunning warriors are trained from birth to hunt, track and trap the most dangerous beasts in the wilds and possess the uncanny ability to regenerate lost health. In times of war, however, headhunters relish turning their mighty spears on the enemies of the Horde without hesitation. Capable of hurling their deadly spears at distant enemies, troll headhunters provide invaluable cover fire for the other warriors of the Horde. Like all trolls, headhunters can regenerate lost health over time. This racial ability makes the trolls fearsome opponents and often allows them to spring back into combat even though they’ve suffered grievous wounds.[1]
Original description
- This original description was written when headhunters were to be forest trolls.
The disenfranchised trolls of northern Lordaeron have once again pledged their savage services to the Orcish Horde. These cunning warriors are trained from birth to hunt, track and trap the most dangerous beasts in the wild. In times of war, however, troll headhunters turn their mighty spears upon the enemies of the Horde without hesitation. Capable of hurling their deadly spears at distant enemies, Troll Headhunters provide invaluable cover fire for the other warriors of the Horde.[2]
In the RPG
These trolls wear well-wrought dark brown chain shirts decorated with small black metal beads. Upon their backs is a large pack designed to carry many spears, and their points jut out over the creatures coarse, red mane. Trained from birth to track down and trap dangerous wild beasts, jungle trolls have long been renowned for their hunting and survival skills. The best among them are also cunning warriors able to fend for themselves against capable enemies. Troll headhunters excel at two things: Tracking down quarries and flinging spears at their foes. Because of these reasons, they are invaluable to the Horde. Their ability to hurl spears at distant enemies with deadly accuracy make the jungle troll headhunters among the best soldiers at providing cover fire to the other warriors of the Horde. Their superior tracking skills also make them tremendous scouting and reconnaissance experts as well as capable bounty hunters.[3]
Like most of their kind, troll headhunters excel at throwing things. They make good use of their natural talent, extensive training and hunting expertise when engaged in combat. During the first few rounds of battle, the jungle troll headhunters attack from afar - often targeting the same opponent with a volley of spears when working in groups. They continue to throw spears at their enemies until forced into melee (or until they only have one spear left).[3]
Headhunter Jo - Zuldazar
Headhunter Lani
Headhunter Lee'za - Zuldazar
Headhunter Gal'wana - Battle of Dazar'alor
Frostmane Headhunter - Dun Morogh
Heb'Drakkar Headhunter - Zul'Drak
Shadowpine Headhunter - Ghostlands
Mummified Headhunter - Ghostlands
Witherbark Headhunter - Arathi Highlands
Vilebranch Headhunter - The Hinterlands
Smolderthorn Headhunter - Blackrock Spire
Bloodscalp Headhunter - Stranglethorn Vale
Skullsplitter Headhunter - Stranglethorn Vale
Gurubashi Headhunter - Zul'Gurub
Horde Headhunter - Battle for Mount Hyjal
Darkspear Headhunter - Orgrimmar
Bambala Headhunter - Northern Stranglethorn
Rok'nah Headhunter - Theramore's Fall
Warspear Headhunter - Ashran
Vol'jin's Pride Headhunter - Talador
Axefall Headhunter - Spires of Arak
Kor'kron Headhunter - on the The Sunstrider in Bladefist Bay in Durotar
Bloodthirsty Headhunter - Stormsong Valley
Nazmani Headhunter - Nazmir
Presumed headhunters:
Darkspear Spear Thrower - The Dragonblight
Shatterspear Raider - Darkshore
Zeb'tula Spearanger - Isle of Thunder
Shaol'mara Spearanger - Isle of Thunder
Zandalari Spearanger - Isle of Thunder
Zandalari Spear-Shaper - Throne of Thunder
- Darkspear Keeneye
- Non-troll headhunters
- Akanja and Lysa Serion are titled as Headhunters but with a different meaning.
Warcraft III concept art.
Headhunters in Stranglethorn in the Journey of Brann.
Horde ranged minions from the Alterac Pass battleground in Heroes of the Storm look like headhunters.
Darkspear Troll in Warcraft Arclight Rumble.
Warcraft Arclight Rumble Darkspear Troll concept art.
See also
- ^ Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos manual, pg. 24 - 25
- ^ http://classic.battle.net/war3/orc/units/trollheadhunter.shtml
- ^ a b Horde Player's Guide, pg. 201