Zeb'tula Spearanger

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MobZeb'tula Spearanger
Image of Zeb'tula Spearanger
Gender Male
Race Zandalari troll (Humanoid)
Level 35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Shaol'mara, Isle of Thunder
Status Killable

Zeb'tula Spearangers are Zandalari trolls located in Shaol'mara on the Isle of Thunder. They patrol in a group of three.


  • Ability throw.png Throw Spear 40 yd range — Throws a weapon at an enemy, inflicting Physical damage. 1.5 sec cast. Uninterruptible. Hits for 8-9K Physical on cloth.
  • Rage of the Zandalari — Decreases the time between your attacks by 50% for 1 min. Instant. Enrage.
  • Berserker Charge 40 yd range — Charges at an enemy, inflicting normal damage plus 0. Instant. Hits for 15K Physical on cloth.


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