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The War Within (Horde)

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HordeThe War Within
Start Thrall
End Thrall
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Silithus: The Wound
Experience 1,300
Rewards 2g 80s 90c
Next N [70] Oh, THAT Sword
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [70] The War Within.

The War Within begins The War Within campaign. When heading to Silithus: The Wound, it may be necessary to speak with Zidormi at [78.8, 22.0] in Valor's Rest to change phases.


Go to Silithus to talk with Thrall about the visions spreading across Azeroth.


There is a vision being seen across Azeroth. A "Radiant Song." We believe it's a warning, but we are unsure of its meaning.

Meet me in Silithus. We must ask Azeroth's Speaker what this vision means.


You will receive:

  • 2g 80s 90c
  • 1,300 XP




Head to Magni's Encampment. Thrall is there with Jaina Proudmoore and Anduin Wrynn.

Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Another vision. You saw it too.
Thrall says: They're growing stronger.
Anduin's gossip
It seems destiny has brought us all here.
They call it the Radiant Song, yet it fills me with dread. what could it be warning us of?
Gossip I've heard the King of Stormwind has long been missing.
<Anduin smiles wearily.>
Missing. You put it so nicely.
I ran. From my kingdom. From the Alliance. From myself.
But I was sent to this vision for a reason. I can't run. Not from this.


  1. B [70] The War Within
  2. N [70] Oh, THAT Sword
  3. N [70] Azeroth's Voice
  4. N [70] Painful Lessons
  5. N [70] The Bronzebeard Family

Patch changes

External links