The Unending Siege

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NeutralThe Unending Siege

The Unending Siege
Start Ogo the Elder
End Ogo the Elder
Level 25-35
Type Daily
Category Townlong Steppes
Experience 294000
Reputation +350 August Celestials
Rewards 19g 84s 50c 2 Lesser Charm of Good Fortune
Repeatable Yes


Defeat 12 Sra'thik attackers at Niuzao Temple.

  • Sra'thik attacker slain (12)


The mantid continue to attack us. Their numbers ebb and flow, but they do not stop.

It is no matter. The yak is stamina embodied. We will not bend to them. We will defend his home forever.

Will you help us?


You will receive:


The weight of the west sits squarely on Niuzao's shoulders. A few fluttering mantid are nothing to him.


You fight like you are one of us.


Start killing mantid and looting their weapons off the ground.


Niuzao Temple dailies with only one set available each day.

Set A
Set B

Patch changes

External links