The Big Guns

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NeutralThe Big Guns

Sra'thik War Wagon
Start Ogo the Younger
End Ogo the Younger
Level 25-35
Type Daily
Category Townlong Steppes
Experience 236000
Reputation +250 August Celestials
Rewards 19g 84s 50c 2 Lesser Charm of Good Fortune
Repeatable Yes
Previous B [25-35] Defense At Niuzao Temple


Destroy 3 Sra'thik War Wagons.


The mantid now surround the Temple with their infernal war wagons. The sooner we are rid of those things, the better. You could destroy them with your own weapons and spells, but this will work much faster.

<Ogo hands you a few small casks of hastily-packed explosives.>

Beware of retaliation from mantid that remain be inside the war wagon when it explodes. In fact, I'd stay as far away from those things as possible.


You will receive:


We can push these mantid back. We can outlast them.


Good, you're back in one piece.

We hope to be seeing more of you in the future, <race>.


Pick up N [25-35 Daily] The Siege Swells, N [25-35 Daily] The Overwhelming Swarm, and N [25-35 Daily] In Battle's Shadow before getting started.


Niuzao Temple dailies with only one set available each day.

Set A
Set B

Patch changes

External links